Tom Hurndall to Return to UK Tomorrow: Press Conference Thursday 29th May 2003
By Afif Safieh
May 29, 2003

On 11th April Tom Hurndall - a young photographer observing and recording the work of a peace group in Gaza and the activities of the Israeli army was shot in the head by the Israeli army in the town of Rafah at the border between Gaza and Egypt. He currently lies in a deep coma in hospital in Saroka Hospital in Beer Sheva - Israel and has suffered severe brain damage from which he is not expected to recover.

A campaign to raise the money to repatriate Tom (see ) commenced just over a week ago and an overwhelming response from the public has culminated in Tom flying back to London tomorrow afternoon 29th May 2003. He will be arriving at Heathrow Airport Terminal 1, via EL Al Air - flight number LY315 at approximately 13.35. He will be transported by special ambulance directly to the Intensive Care Unit at The Royal Free Hospital, Pond Street, Hampstead, London, NW3. Tom's mother Jocelyn, father Anthony and brother (12 years) Freddie, will be accompanying him on the plane and will travel separately to the Hospital where a press conference will be held.

The press conference will present the families experiences and the results of their own enquiries into the shooting of Tom. They will additionally reveal the controversial details of an internal Israeli Defence Force report presented to them at the British Embassy last week. They will discuss their demands for a full independent judicial inquiry and the invitation that they have received to meet with the Foreign Secretary - Jack Straw on their return.

Press conference details:

The Marsden Room,
Ground Floor,
The Royal Free Hospital,
Pond Street,

Time: 3.30pm

Please go to the Main Entrance of the Hospital where a media representative will provide directions. If you require any additional assistance such as arrangements for live feed etc please contact Philipa Hutchins - Media Manager Royal Free Hospital on 0207 830 2963.

For private interviews with the family or any additional information please contact Carl Arrindell - Family Spokesperson on Tel: 01634 831 975 or Mobile: 07799 768 768. Email: