Peace Begins With Justice: End The Occupation Now!
By Palestine Activist Forum of New York
June 03, 2003

Arabs, Jews and Concerned New Yorkers Rally in Solidarity with Palestinians

New York City - Today, despite inclement weather, hundreds of New Yorkers from diverse communities - Arabs, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Israelis, Palestinians and other concerned individuals - amassed at 59th and 5th Ave to protest the "Salute to Israel" Parade. The large presence of demonstrators at the foot of the parade disrupted the celebration of Israel's recent policies. Protestors called for an immediate end to continuing Israeli aggression against Palestinians in the illegally occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza; an end to U.S. aid to Israel; the implementation of the right of return for Palestinian refugees; and equal rights for all Palestinian citizens of Israel.

"As a Jewish New Yorker, I wish we had a parade to celebrate our Jewish heritage instead of being asked to salute Israel's violence against Palestinians and its violations of human rights,"said Sam J. Miller of Jews Against the Occupation. "I simply cannot take part in the denial of Palestinian suffering and its causes."

"Peace begins with justice. Until the fundamental human rights of Palestinians are honored there will be no just resolution of the conflict. The right of refugees to return to their homes is one of those universally-acknowledged human rights," said Amber Kasim, an organizer of today's event, and a member of the Network of Arab-American Professionals.

"We need to tell the American people that their hard-earned tax dollars are supporting unjust Israeli military aggression against Palestinians, and against international aid workers," said Zaid Khalil of the New York Chapter of SUSTAIN (Stop US Tax-Funded Aid to Israel Now). "Though Israel is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, Israel receives one third of all US Foreign Aid, several billion dollars each year. The American people need to hold Israel accountable, because our own government has not."

Recent developments, including the U.S.-brokered 'Road Map,' were also criticized by the demonstrators. Kevin Damato of Direct Action Palestine explains, "the Israeli occupation is the root of the problem, yet the Road Map does not call for an end to it. To resolve the conflict between Israel and Palestinians, the Israeli Government has tried everything except doing the right thing: ending the illegal occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, and recognizing Palestinians' human rights. The Road Map also ignores another central issue: removing Israeli settlements from the Occupied Territories."

"The 'separation wall,' ignored by the Road Map, is enclosing Palestinian cities, creating ghettos and separating people from their land and each other. It is another in a series of tactics designed to destroy Palestinian society," said Charlotte Kates of New Jersey Solidarity.

The Palestine Activist Forum of New York is a coalition of grassroots organizations: Al-Awda NY/NJ, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Direct Action Palestine, Jews Against the Occupation, Network of Arab-American Professionals NYC, NJ Solidarity, and SUSTAIN NYC.