Poll # 173: (56.2%) are in Favor of Signing the Egyptian Reconciliation Document
November 03, 2010

Poll No. 173
Date: November 03, 2010

The most recent poll of the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, prepared by its founder and director-general, Dr. Nabil Kukali, revealed that:

  • (86.7%) of the Palestinians still miss the Late President, Mr. Yasser Arafat, several years after his departure.
  • (56.2%) are in favor of signing the Egyptian Reconciliation Document.
  • (48.2%) believe that the US Congress midterm elections would impact the peace process.
  • (56.1%) oppose the resumption of direct talks with the Israeli government in the background of resuming the construction works in the settlements.
  • (46.8%) believe that the most frustrating policy conducted by the present US administration under President Barack Obama is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  • (50.9%) trust Fateh leadership and (24.3 %) trust Hamas leadership.
  • (46.2%) support at various degrees the deployment of multinational UN-forces in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in case a peace deal would be within reach.

Beit Sahour – Public Relations Section at the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion.

The most recent poll prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali, conducted and published by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) during the period from October 22 to 30, 2010, covered a random sample of (1005) respondents representing the various demographic specimens of adult Palestinians (18 years and above) living in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip. It has revealed that (56.1 %) of the Palestinians oppose at present the resumption of direct talks with the Israeli government in the background of resuming the construction works in the settlements.

Dr. Kukali said that although six years are now elapsed since the departure of the symbol leader, the Late President Yassir Arafat, the Palestinian people still miss him and his firm positions and backing. “This could be attributable to his competence of realigning the powers under his leadership,” Dr. Kukali added. He further commented that the deep nostalgic feelings of the Palestinian public towards their Late President unveils the lack of a leading personality, that may be capable of reuniting the nation. The poll finding that (56.2%) of the Palestinians are in favor of signing the Egyptian Reconciliation document is a further reference.

Dr. Kukali expressed the anxiety of a considerable rate of the Palestinian people, specifically (48.2%), about the expected results of the US Congress midterm elections, as these would restrict the movement of the US President Barack Obama in determining the US foreign policy, and particularly those issues linked to the peace process. Dr. Kukali further said in this respect that should the President’s party, the Democrats, lose their majority in the Congress, then Obama’s pressure on Israel would fade away, and consequently the Republicans, now having gained enough power, would halt any pressures on Israel. The result would be placing more obstacles on the route of the peace process that is fully stagnating at the moment.

Dr. Nabil Kukali said the results of the poll were as follows:
