PNA warned Israel against continuing its military attacks on the Palestinians
By PNA Minister of Internal Security
August 15, 2003

The Palestinian National Authority Thursday warned Israel against continuing its military attacks on the Palestinians and said that such serious violations of the roadmap by Israel are likely to blow up all the efforts that the PNA has done and is doing to maintain the ceasefire and the truce and might even open the door wide for renewal of the bloody confrontation that has wrecked the region in the last three years.

An senior official in the minister of interior and the ministry of internal security criticized the flow of statements made by a number of military commanders in Israel mainly the ones made by chief of staff Moshe Yaalon who claimed that Israel was not part of the ceasefire or the truce and pledged that the Israeli army would continue its operations in the Palestinian territories. The official said that such statements form a flagrant violation of the roadmap and the ceasefire.

In this respect, Minister of Internal Security Mohammad Dahlan called on the US to act as soon as possible in order to restrain the irresponsible moves and acts of the Israeli army that has lately pushed the region back to the days of targeted assassinations and provocative military operations despite the clear commitment of the Palestinian National Authority and of the Palestinian factions to the truce and to the roadmap.

Dahlan, meanwhile, called on various Palestinian political and field forces to be aware and not to fall in the Israeli trap that aims to pull those factions into responding to the provocative acts of the Israeli army only to create the pretext for the army to launch a new attack on the Palestinian people and on its official, national and public institutions.