Palestinian leadership: Jerusalem bombing severely damages ‘our just cause’
August 20, 2003

The Palestinian leadership strongly and firmly condemned the bus bombing in Jerusalem on Tuesday and called on the United States and the Quartet to quickly intervene to stop the dangerous security and political deterioration, and to send international observers to monitor the implementation of the “roadmap” peace plan.

“The Palestinian leadership, which has always rejected and condemned the targeting of civilians from both sides, announces its strongest condemnation to the Jerusalem bombing against Israeli civilians and stresses that these attacks against civilians are causing severe security, political, and international damage to our people and their just cause, and are used by Sharon and his government to reject the ‘roadmap’ and perpetrate more attacks and assassinations against our people,” it said in a statement reported by the official news agency WAFA late Tuesday.

“The Palestinian leadership, while condemning the Jerusalem attack, calls upon the international community, the US administration, and the Quartet (of the US, the UN, the EU and Russia who drafted and adopted the ‘roadmap’) to intervene immediately to stop this security and political deterioration, which the Israeli government is responsible for by persisting in its military escalation, assassinations, detentions, and devastation, witnessed all over the Palestinian territory, and by its insistence to build the Apartheid Segregation Wall, which turns our cities and villages into mass distention camps, that is unprecedented in history,” the leadership’s statement said.

“The leadership has called and still calling for sending international observers and establishing a firm and effective international monitoring to both sides’ implementation of the ‘roadmap’ and to maintain peace and honor the signed agreements,” the statement concluded.