The Formation of a Palestinian Interim Unity Government
By Arab World for Research and Development
June 20, 2011


  • The overall rating of the Palestinian president has improved from 63% to 76%.

  • 82% support a move by the Palestinian leadership to seek UN recognition of a Palestinian state.

  • 71% believe that the reconciliation agreement serves Palestinian interests.

  • 52% think that Salam Fayyad should continue to be the prime minster within the new government.

  • 56% fear that the upcoming government will be controlled by Fatah and Hamas.

  • The priorities of the new government: Economy and jobs (47%), security (19%), recognition of Palestine at UN (17%).

  • 48% think that Fatah and Hamas will not succeed in forming an independent government within the stipulated date in the reconciliation agreement.

  • 34% think that the government should control the security forces, 30% Fatah and Hamas, and 22% think that the president should control them.

  • 48% believe that the legislative and presidential elections should be held within a year, while 40% think that these two elections should be held immediately.

  • If the Palestinian presidential election were held today: 27% would vote for Abbas; 10-11 percent for each of the following: Haniyeh and Barghouthi, and Fayyad; 4% for Sa'adat; and 34% are either “undecided” or “will not vote.”

  • If the PLC election were held today: 31% would vote for a list endorsed by Fatah and Abbas; 13% Haniyeh and Hamas; 10% Barghouthi and PNI; 8% for Fayyad and Third Way; and 33% are either “undecided” or “will not vote.”

  • A large majority of Palestinians (above 70%) support the protesters’ demands to change political regimes in some Arab countries.

  • 83% believe that Palestinian youth movement has contributed to the reconciliation agreement.


These are the results and analyses of the latest Arab World for Research & Development (AWRAD) public opinion poll on the formation of a Palestinian interim unity government. The poll gauged Palestinian opinions on the signed Reconciliation Agreement between Fatah and Hamas (May 4, 2011), the formation and priorities of the Palestinian interim unity government, the performance of Palestinian leadership, the PA plan to seek a UN recognition of a Palestinian state, Palestinian presidential, legislative, and local elections, and the ongoing Arab uprisings. The questionnaire was fielded June 12-13, 2011.

For this survey, 1500 Palestinians were interviewed in the West Bank and Gaza. All socioeconomic groups were represented in the poll (for more details on the sample, please refer to The margin of error in this poll is plus or minus 2.5 percent. The survey was carried out by AWRAD researchers under the supervision of Dr. Nader Said-Foqahaa, President of AWRAD.

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