Performance of Government, Fuel Crisis in Gaza, Taxes in West Bank and Gaza, Evaluation of Leaders, Reconciliation and New Government, Elections & Political Support
By Arab World for Research and Development
March 26, 2012


These are the results and analyses of the latest Arab World for Research & Development (AWRAD) public opinion poll, focusing on the performance of the Fayyad and Haniyeh governments, the tax system in both the West Bank and Gaza, and the fuel crisis in Gaza. In addition, the poll questioned Palestinians on their views of leaders; the reconciliation process and the Doha Agreement between Fatah and Hamas; and support for existing political parties and prospective future candidates.

The questionnaire was fielded March 5-12, 2012, a period longer than usual due to extreme weather conditions and confrontations in Gaza during the final phase of the field work. For this survey, 1380 Palestinians were interviewed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. All socioeconomic groups were represented in the poll (for more details on the sample, please refer to The margin of error in this poll is plus or minus 2.5 percent. The survey was carried out by AWRAD researchers under the supervision of Dr. Nader Said-Foqahaa, President of AWRAD.


  • The overall approval rate of President Abbas is at 59 percent; 45 percent approves of Fayyad’s overall performance and 34 percent approves of Haniyeh’s performance.
  • Dissatisfaction with government of Haniyeh in Gaza reaches a peak with the continuation of the fuel and electricity crises in the strip; Dissatisfaction with the government of Fayyad increases with the discussions over its proposed austerity plan.
  • 46 percent of the overall West Bank & Gaza sample blames Israel the most for the ongoing fuel crisis in Gaza, followed by Hamas (27 percent).
  • In contrast, 48 percent of Gazans blame Hamas the most for the ongoing fuel crisis, followed by Israel (21 percent).
  • The majority of Palestinians (55 percent) believe that things are moving in the wrong direction.
  • 36 percent of respondents had heard of the Fayyad government's austerity plan.
  • 64 percent of West Bank respondents and 75 percent of Gazans state that their tax system is unfair.
  • 62 percent judge the Haniyeh government unfavorably in the field of job creation, compared to 49 percent with an unfavorable view of the Fayyad government's performance in the same field.
  • West Bank and Gaza respondents tend to be critical of their own governments with higher negative ratings of the Haniyeh government among Gazans.
  • Two thirds support the Doha agreement that stipulates the appointment of M. Abbas as a prime minister for a unity interim government.
  • Abbas and Fayyad are most trusted to lead the proposed unity interim government.

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