Palestine Seeks to Upgrade UN Status While more Protests Form in West Bank [June 10 - June 16]
June 16, 2012

Early in the week, President Mahmoud Abbas informed the UN that he may seek to upgrade the Palestinian status at the United Nations to non-member observer state if the peace discussions with Israel do not resume. In order to do so, Palestinians might aim to circumvent pledges from the US to block Palestinian bids to upgrade their status within the UN. The only other nation labeled as a non-member observer state is The Vatican. Currently, The State of Palestine is only recognized by two-thirds of the world’s countries, but not by the UN, Israel, and the US.

More hostile settler violence was reported in villages surrounding Hebron and Nablus. Wheat fields were burned in Nablus as over 30 olive trees were razed near Hebron. The Israeli military once again stood by and watched as these travesties needlessly occurred.

On June 11th, a draft economic agreement made between Israel and the Vatican was condemned by Palestinian political factions. The agreement states the Holy See recognizes Israeli legislation in East Jerusalem and occupied Palestinian territory. Palestinians hope that when The Vatican reviews the draft next week, “the Holy See will clarify the situation and affirm that it will uphold its legal and moral responsibility as a High Contracting Party to the Fourth Geneva Convention.”

Meanwhile, the Palestine Monetary Authority stated that the PA government reached the maximum limit of borrowing from the Palestinian banks. Back in January, PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said that his government owes $1.1 billion in bank loans, as well as $400 million in unpaid revenues to private contractors.

Hunger striker and soccer player Mahmoud al-Sarsak reaches 86 days on his continuing refusal of food. FIFA urges the Israeli Football Association to raise the injustice of the situation to the Israeli authorities. Al-Sarsak’s lawyer stated that al-Sarsak has agreed to drink milk in order to prolong his life.

Haaretz published a report on June 12th affirming that, since 1967, over 240,000 Palestinians have had their residency revoked by Israel. This revealed a “secret measure” practiced by Israel to prevent the return of Palestinians who travel for extended periods by stealing their residency rights. Before the creation of the Palestinian Authority, Palestinians who travelled abroad had to surrender their ID cards at Israeli border terminals and were given travel documents for three years. Israel also arrested over 240 African immigrants while another 300 immigrants had agreed to be repatriated voluntarily. Israel is offering free airline tickets and a grant of 1,000 Euros to anybody who volunteers to leave, but this offer is only available for one week.

Palestinian workers began a protest on June 13th outside of a northern West Bank checkpoint near Jenin in response to what they described as mistreatment by the Israeli security staff. Racial slurs and other verbal and physical abuse were thrown at the Palestinian workers. Israeli military and police have also detained 6 women—2 Israelis, three internationals, and one Palestinian journalist—at the Women’s Movement Walk in Hebron.

A state report was published the day before that criticizes Benjamin’s Netanyahu’s bold decision-making in a deadly Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound Turkish ship in 2010. In that event, Israeli marines killed nine activists from Turkey on board the ship, and “the decision-making process by the prime minister was carried out without any orderly, coordinated, authorized and documented staff work.”

A meeting between President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been proposed. Communications and discussions are ongoing to reduce tension and create a positive, non-hostile atmosphere.

On the eve of June 14th, The Palestinian Authority Minister of Health ordered the closure of a private hospital in Hebron after filing numerous complaints of medical negligence. Apparently the hospital had been working without a license since April 2010.