Living Conditions, Democracy and Freedoms, Performance of Government, Evaluation of Leaders, Peace Process, Elections and Aftermath of Egypt Election
By Arab World for Research and Development
July 31, 2012


These are the results and analyses of the latest Arab World for Research & Development (AWRAD) public opinion poll, focusing on the aftermath of the Egyptian Presidential election, Palestinian local election and other elections, state of democracy and freedom to protest, the performance of the Fayyad and Haniyeh governments, the peace process, and support for existing political parties and prospective future candidates.

The questionnaire was fielded July 19-21, 2012. For this survey, 1200 Palestinians were interviewed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. All socioeconomic groups were represented in the poll (for more details on the sample, please refer to The margin of error in this poll is plus or minus 3 percent. The survey was carried out by AWRAD researchers under the supervision of Dr. Nader Said-Foqahaa, President of AWRAD.


  • 56 percent of West Bank and Gaza Palestinians believe that things are going in the wrong direction; the rate in Gaza increases to 63 percent.
  • 52 percent approve of the performance of President Abbas; 43 percent disapprove.
  • 46 percent approve of the performance of Prime Minister Fayyad; 48 percent disapprove.
  • 33 percent approve of the performance of Prime Minister Haniyeh; 57 percent disapprove.
  • 29 percent believe that the overall living conditions in the West Bank had improved since the appointment of the Fayyad government; 22 percent believe that the overall living conditions in the Gaza had improved since the appointment of the Haniyeh government.
  • 64 percent of Gazans believe that living conditions had worsened since the appointment of the Haniyeh government; 34 percent of West bank respondents feel the same way about the Fayyad government.
  • 83 percent support the conduct of local elections in October 2012.
  • In a two-way presidential race, 46 percent would vote for Abbas and 20 percent would vote for Haniyeh; 34 percent would either undecided or would not vote.
  • In a two-way presidential race, 38 percent would vote for M. Aloul and 23 percent would vote for Haniyeh; 39 percent would either undecided or would not vote.
  • In a two-way presidential race, 41 percent would vote for Fayyad and 22 percent would vote for Haniyeh; 37 percent would either undecided or would not vote.
  • In a two-way presidential race, 40 percent would vote for Mustafa Bargouthi and 20 percent would vote for Haniyeh; 40 percent would either undecided or would not vote.
  • 65 percent oppose a meeting between President Abbas and Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz in Ramallah . 74 percent would support such a meeting if it resulted in the release of Palestinian prisoners.
  • 50 percent support an immediate return to negotiations and 46 percent oppose.
  • 54 percent believe that the PA in the West Bank is respectful of human rights, while 35 percent feel the same way about the government in Gaza.
  • 55 percent describe the handling of public demonstrations by the PA in West Bank as harsh or too harsh.
  • 61 percent describe the handling of public demonstrations by the government in Gaza as harsh or too harsh.
  • 58 percent say that they are happy or to some extent happy with the results of the Egyptian presidential election. 29 percent say that they are not happy.
  • 57 percent believe that the Mohamed Mursi victory will have no impact on achieving Palestinian independence.
  • 49 percent, however, believe that the Mursi victory will have a positive impact on lifting the closure on Gaza.
  • 64 percent support raising taxes on the wealthy.
  • 64 percent support the preservation of the PA.

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