Illinois U.S. Senate Candidate Andy Martin Blasts Republican Extremists Over 'Jerusalem Summit,' Endorses 'Geneva Accord'
By Andy Martin
October 15, 2003

Illinois Republican U.S. Senate candidate Andy Martin today blasted a "Jerusalem Summit" hosted by the Christian Coalition and subsidized by the Israeli government.

"Once again, Republican Party extremists are moving to the wrong side of history," Martin said. "They are in Jerusalem sitting down to a menu of racism paid for by the Sharon military junta. By accepting subsidies to attend, Republican extremists have forfeited any credibility for their malignant agenda.

"I am working to move the pendulum of the Republican Party back towards sanity and peace in the Middle East.

"Illinoisans have no interest in encouraging perpetual holy war in the Middle East. Illinoisans do not endorse imprisoning an entire nation of 4 million people, stealing their land and stealing their water. Common sense tells you people will rebel against a brutal 37-year occupation in Palestine. We see rebellion developing in Iraq after only six months.

"I ask President Bush to ignore extremist Republicans and to stay true to the course of peace. If Bush accepts more advice from Richard Pearl and company he will be defeated for re-election. Perle admitted today in a Haaretz interview that the justification for war in Iraq was nothing more than lawyers' legerdemain. Americans are dying because of verbal gymnastics.

"Ironically, Republican religious extremists are in Jerusalem at the same time that Israelis and Palestinians are completing a peace agreement -- the Geneva Accord.

"Peace is nonpartisan. I will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with those who want a better life for both peoples and who reject death and destruction as a viable government policy. I speak as a friend of the Israeli people, and as a friend of the Palestinian people. Unlike the Republican extremists, I do not accept subsidies from either side.

"The Geneva Accord confirms that there are both Israeli and Palestinian partners for peace. Ariel Sharon has attacked the Accord because he has devoted a lifetime to bloodshed and has no interest in peace. Sharon should be tried for war crimes-against the Israeli people. Sharon has devastated the Israeli economy and destroyed the hope of Israel's young. Sharon is an enemy of the future.

"If anyone doubts the damage Sharon has done to Israel, I can only paraphrase President John F. Kennedy: Let them come to Jerusalem. They can see the disaster Sharon has created for Israelis.

"I continue to support much of the good work of the Christian Coalition. I have given them money. But on the issue of Middle East peace, Jesus would shudder at their blasphemy.

"I will take the truth to the people of Illinois. They do not want a replay of the 1982 election, when Representative Paul Findley was smeared, or the 1984 election, when Senator Charles Percy was smeared, because of their support for Middle East peace."

Martin will not hold a formal news conference but is in Jerusalem and is available for commentary and interviews.

Andy Martin is an international broadcaster, talk show host and columnist. His views can be seen on (Govt. & Politics). He has served as Baghdad Bureau Chief and chief foreign correspondent for Martin is studying whether to announce for the Republican Party nomination for the U.S. Senate from Illinois. Martin is also Executive Director of the Revolutionary War Research Center, a Washington, DC organization that studies guerilla war and unconventional military and political tactics in foreign affairs. Instant interviews by Middle East cell phone: (972) 57 343353; USA Media contact (866) 706-2639. E-mail: