MIFTAH strongly condemns explosion near Beit Hanoon in Gaza
October 15, 2003

In light of Wednesday morning’s explosion which took place near an American convoy in Gaza, the Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) reaffirms its opposition to violent acts committed against civilians or foreign diplomats and reasserts its commitment to the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict by peaceful means through negotiations.

At 10:15 AM this morning a roadside bomb was detonated close to where an American convoy of monitors was passing, killing three American security personnel and wounding a forth. After relentless Palestinian requests, this had been the first on the ground monitoring mission which headed to Gaza in order to report on violations of the ‘roadmap’ peace plan. “Wednesday's attack could deal a major blow to Palestinian efforts to bring more international monitors to the region,” according to an Associated Press report.

MIFTAH views with grave concern the timing as well as the target of Wednesday's attack, particularly in the context of recent developments witnessed in the Middle East peace process. Reports suggest that the bomb was planted to combat Israeli tanks and accidentally detonated during the passing of the US convoy. It must be stressed that throughout the history of the conflict foreigners have never been directly targeted. Even the most radical Palestinian groups maintain that this is a struggle for liberation involving only the Palestinians and the Israeli occupation.

MIFTAH strongly condemns this attack which does not in any way serve Palestinian goals and aspirations. International monitors present on the ground to observe and record has been an old Palestinian request and such attacks serve right into Sharon’s hands, empowering his right-wing government to continue their untamed and unchallenged attacks against an occupied people. We also stress the urgency of not jumping into irresponsible or emotional conclusions, since over the past three years there have been many explosive objects left behind by either the Israeli occupation army or Palestinian resistance, usually resulting in tragic loss of innocent life.

The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of a Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) strongly condemns all acts of violence and calls for the US to practice restraint and evenhandedness in dealing with this tragedy. These attacks go to show the importance of having observers available on the ground at all times in order to maximize their ability to serve the people while earning their trust as honest brokers of peace.
