Poll # 186: : Around half of the Palestinians believe that religion plays a positive role in their lives
April 24, 2014


This global poll on the role of religion has been conducted by WIN/Gallup International, which is made up of the (77) largest independent market research and polling firms in their respective countries with combined revenue of over € 500 million and covering (95 %) of the world’s market.

For more than (60) years WIN/Gallup International members have demonstrated their expert ability to conduct multi-country surveys on a comparable basis and deliver the highest quality. Their members are leading national institutes with a profound local knowledge of research methods and techniques, statistical sources, customs and cultural differences of their own countries and societies. These are carefully selected by the Association Board. With only one member agency per country, the State of Palestine is represented in this Association by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO), which has been founded in 1994 and is run since then by its founder and president Dr. Nabil Kukali, who once declared that “the membership of PCPO in WIN/Gallup International as the sole representative of the State of Palestine is a great achievement for the State of Palestine and an international recognition of our ability, efficiency and credibility to conduct as a Palestinian center global surveys and public opinion polls in any part of the world”.

Objective of the Survey

The objective of this survey is to highlight how people globally perceive the role religion plays in their respective countries, irrespective of their nationality, geographical region, race, culture or belief, taking into consideration that religion has been always and is still a pivotal factor that impacts people’s behavior and even global policies and has enormous leverage in the different economical, social and cultural aspects of our daily life.

To View the Full Result as PDF
