Statement of the EU Presidency on initiatives by the Israeli and Palestinian civil societies
By European Union
December 02, 2003

The European Union welcomes initiatives from the Israeli and Palestinian civil societies aiming at promoting rapprochement, confidence building and the establishment of a lasting peace.

The Geneva initiative by Yossi Beilin and Yasser Abed Rabbo confirms the willingness which exists within the two civil societies to achieve peaceful coexistence in two independent, viable and prosperous states, living side by side in security, to the benefit of all Israelis and Palestinians as well as of all countries in the region. It is also helpful to increase the awareness of the public opinions of both sides on the need to identify the necessary efforts and reciprocal concessions in order to achieve a negotiated settlement of the conflict.

In this regard, the EU considers the document presented on 1st December in Geneva as a valuable contribution by the civil society in support of the Quartet's Roadmap which remains the basis for the immediate resumption of the peace process as endorsed by the entire international community through UNSC resolution 1515.

The EU reiterates its willingness to further assist in all efforts towards a peaceful solution to the conflict, while condemning violence and terrorism in all its forms.

The Acceding Countries Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia, the Associated Countries Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic Area, align themselves with this declaration.