The Demographic Nightmare
December 06, 2003

Israel’s greatest fear is not security related, it is not monetary related, and it is not the so-called rise of anti-Semitism. Israel’s biggest worry is the fact that the world is integrating and the era of globalization leaves no room for segregation based on religion, race or nationality. Ben-Gurion declared back in 1949: "Faced with the choice of all the land without a Jewish state or a Jewish state without all the land, we chose a Jewish state without all the land."

Ehud Olmert, Sharon’s Deputy Prime Minister, recently reworded Ben-Gurion’s statement: "In the coming days, the leaders of this country will be called upon to muster all their emotional strength and passionate belief in Zionism, using that same wondrous combination of vision and pragmatism, age-old yearning and recognition of realistic constraints that justifies choosing painful compromise for the sake of peace." This statement was met with fierce resistance by Olmerts’ colleagues from the right calling for his resignation for he is now standing in the way of their Zionist dream to occupy the land and free it from non-Jews from sea to sea.

Israel is a democracy exclusively for its Jewish residents with different classes of citizenships based on religion and race. These “categories” are used to discriminate against the non-Jewish citizens of Israel and reserves the “Jewishness” of a so-called democracy which is better described as a theocracy.

Even the so-called doves that only grew their white dovish wings the day Israel’s overwhelming Jewish character got threatened. Yosi Bellin, the architect and author of the Geneva Accords, defended the accords by instigating fear in the hearts of his people telling them “if we don’t move forward with this (peace agreement) now Israel will not be able to reserve its Jewish majority.” Unfortunately, only a few muffled voices come out of Israel with objective and truthful analysis which declares that: “Israel must end its occupation in order to reserve its humanity.” Occupation and democracy do not go hand in hand, on the contrary they gravely contradict each other.

Reserving Israel’s Jewishness is not a cause for Palestinians to take into consideration. Palestinians need to form their democratic secular state and combat the forces which are lobbying for an Islamic state. How can a people who are fighting for freedom, democracy, liberation and secular independence fight for and protect Israel’s overwhelming Jewish majority? The Palestinians are comprised of Christians, Muslims, Samaritans and even Jews, they are tolerant and Israel could learn a lesson from them.

If Israel wants to remain a democracy exclusively for Jews, then it will have to fight this battle alone. As there is a growing number of Russian-Israelis and Arab-Israelis, both Christians and Muslims, who will sooner or later seek equality as tax paying citizens of Israel.

Israel might feel the urgency today to break off from the 3.6 million Palestinians, in Gaza and the West Bank (including east Jerusalem), who are living under its' occupation. This desire should not be a Palestinian concern and can not be used as an argument in order to reserve more land for the racist state. If Israel is feeling this urgency, then it should unilaterally withdraw from all of the land occupied in 1967 and dismantle all illegal settlements including those enveloping east Jerusalem. Only then could Israel buy time and attempt to reserve a Jewish majority. Unfortunetly for Zionism, in this era of integration and tolerance the Israelis will eventualy rebel and there would be no room for another theocracy in the Middle East.