Welcome to the Jungle
November 25, 2001

Just as Powell's peace envoys are due to arrive on Monday to conduct intense meetings with both the Palestinian and the Israeli sides, the situation on the ground is undergoing a dangerous escalation. Gen. Zinni and Sec. Burns's difficult mission of securing a "cease fire" between the two parties has just become even more precarious if not impossible. The American peace mission is due to arrive as the first major peace effort by the US in five months. The peace envoys' quest is already facing many obstacles resulting from Sharon's escalation of violence and arrogance, which is provoking the people and inflaming passions.

It will be difficult to jumpstart the peace process for many different reasons, mostly "barriers" placed by Sharon's government in order to prolong the talks and maintain an upward spiral in the cycle of violence. Sharon had expressed his intention to continue his extra-judicial killings (assassination policy), he also declared Jerusalem as the "undivided eternal capital of Israel." Such declaration prior to the arrival of the mission is a blatant attempt to set the tone for negotiations. Sharon assigned Meir Dagan (an ex-army General with no political background) to head the security and political negotiations. Such appointment of a military minded general incapable of holding political negotiations comes even against Peres' wishes, who hoped to discuss political issues as well as security matters. Sharon is not interested in a political solution to the problem and appointing Dagan reflects his intentions. This comes while Sharon's lack of interest and direct involvement implies that his government does not have peace on their agenda, and can easily wave of any agreement reached by the two sides.

Since the US's vision was expressed on Monday the 19th by Secretary Powell, Israeli occupying forces have intensified the siege on the Palestinians. This intense siege comes as Israel demolishes eleven homes in Rafah while they build new illegal settlement units in Hebron. Just in the past five days Israel has killed five children ranging in age from 6 to 14 this was followed by eight more killings on Friday. The extra-judicial killings "assassination policy" has been revived and has targeted three Palestinian political leaders killing them using missiles while they were riding a minivan. Illegal settlement housing for Jewish settlers is being offered free of charge in Palestinian territories. All these conditions do not help or serve the peace camp and it seems like the Palestinians don't have a true partner in making peace while Sharon and his government are in power.

The task of securing a "cease fire" seemed somewhat achievable in light of the Powell speech last Monday. The Palestinian people had practiced restraint to the utmost level; it is the wet winter season and the holy month of Ramadan, Palestinians are hopeful and patient. The people have become familiar with Sharon's policy of inflaming violence whenever peace is being thrown on the table, and it looks like a new round of violence is about to irrupt.

Sharon's fantasy request of "seven days of absolute calm" is impossible and is attempting to de-rail US efforts. The envoys' visit is timely and regardless of their seriousness of intent the envoys seem to be facing Sharon's crippling demands. They seem to be enthusiastic to deal with the situation, however blaming the victim is not going to be conducive to peace efforts. Zinni and Burns have a tough mission ahead of them, the first test will be whether or not Sharon hijacks the agenda. Now is the time for action and accountability and the peace envoys should not allow Sharon to tear this effort apart.
