Not In Our Name
October 17, 2001

The Palestinian aspirations for freedom, justice and independence are historically, morally, and politically a universal and natural social human progression, identifiable with social movements throughout modern history (for example, the French Revolution of the late 18th Century, the revolt against western colonization in the 1950's, 1960's, and 1970's, and the momentous victory of black majority rule in South Africa in 1991).

Thus, at this particular stage in history, it must be cautioned that the legitimacy of the Palestinian cause should not fall victim to, and be hijacked by, the 'opportunism' of Ben Laden, or any other advocate of extremism. Throughout the Palestinian struggle, the Palestinian people have remained consistent in their perception and assessment of their aspirations: an end to the conflict will only be achieved through an end to Israeli occupation.

The Palestinian struggle is based on international legality and legitimacy (UN resolutions 242, 338, 194, and the 'land-for-peace' equation), thus on Israel's unconditional withdrawal to the June 1967 boundaries, the dismantlement of illegal Jewish settlements, and the return of the Palestinian refugees. These are the key elements of the Palestinian position. The means of achieving these ends remain consistent with the norms of civilized political life, namely, political dialogue, legality, and a concrete effort to bridge political, cultural and social gaps.

While the Palestinians remain subjected to unimaginable Israeli oppression (backed by blind US support), Ben Laden's identification with the Palestinian cause is unquestionably rejected by the overwhelming majority of the Palestinian people, not least for the inhumanity and cruelty of his perception of achieving the goals of Palestinian freedom.

The Palestinians will not allow their struggle to be hijacked, exploited, and distorted by extremists. Yet is should also be cautioned that, while this position has been repeatedly and assertively put forward by the Palestinian leadership, Israel's efforts to impose a delusional equation of linkage between Palestinian aspirations and Ben Laden's 'logic' have somewhat penetrated beyond Israel's boundaries, not least due to US acquiescence to such distortions.

The Palestinian cause is not one of mere emotional reaction to suppression, swayed by the slightest pinch of rhetoric. Rather, it is a pragmatic national quest for freedom, based on universally-recognized rights.

Perhaps this word of caution from Washington to Tel Aviv is crucial at this stage: NOT IN THEIR NAME!