Expressing our Deepest Condolences and Solidarity with the Spanish People
March 16, 2004

The train bombings in Spain that claimed the lives of more than 200 innocent people, and injured countless more, reverberated in this region.

Palestinians are repelled by this act of terrorism and condemn it in the strongest possible terms. The perpetrators of this crime must be denied from imposing their own agenda. Their exploitation of religious or ideological notions is unacceptable and serves only as a perversion of real faith and values.

In these tragic times, Palestinians sympathize and stand with the Spanish people in solidarity, calling on them to persevere in the face of terrorism, so as not to allow it to distort our common humanity.

Palestinians will meet the Consul General of Spain on Wednesday to present him with a text written by Palestinian intellectuals in commemoration of this tragedy.

MIFTAH unequivocally condemns the bombing attacks in Madrid, and denounces all forms of violence categorically. We are shocked by the tragic loss of innocent lives, and extend our heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathies to the Spanish people and the families and friends of the victims.