Florida Republican Senate Candidate Says "It's Time for a Sister Souljah Confrontation" Between President Bush and Israeli Leaders
By Andy Martin
April 05, 2004

Foreign policy analyst and Florida U.S. Senate candidate Andy Martin will hold a Thursday, March 25th Washington, DC news conference to call for a suspension of diplomatic relations between Israel and the United States , and to demand that President Bush have a "Sister Souljah confrontation" with Israeli leaders.

News conference details:

Date/time: Thursday, March 25 4:00 P.M.

Location: NE corner of Pennsylvania Avenue, NW and 21st Street , Washington , DC

"Israeli is trying to embroil the United States in a 'holy war' in the Middle East," Martin will charge, "and the Bush Administration is flaccidly going along. My own local paper, the Palm Beach Post, got it right when it stated Bush's policy was 'diplomatically impotent.'

"In 2000, President Bush promised to restore honor and dignity to the White House. On a personal level he has done that. But in the Middle East, he is dishonoring America . Receiving the Israeli murderers at the White House, while the blood was still warm in Gaza , was outrageous. Bush failed to condemn Israeli state terrorism, thereby making the United States complicit in Israeli atrocities.

"Even more outrageous, Israeli leaders are trying to endanger every American by suggesting that we support Israeli tactics. We do not. By claiming (see Washington Post 3/23/04) that Israel is going to 'coordinate our future moves with the American administration,' the Israeli foreign minister was trying to suggest we will be complicit in and endorse future terror, murder and theft of land. We should not.

"Comparing a crippled sheik in Gaza to criminal mastermind Osama Bin Laden is disgraceful and ridiculous. Palestinians were invaded by Israel; no Palestinian army has ever invaded Israel or occupied any Israeli. Palestinians are fighting for their freedom and their homeland, both fundamental human rights. However much we may decry Palestinian tactics, they have no relationship to international terrorism such as Al Qaeda.

"Israelis have bamboozled Bush into believing their murderous activity will assist America . Again, as the Palm Beach Post stated, '[ Israel] is betting America's standing in the Middle East.' In plain English, 300 million Americans have had their government hijacked by 6 million Israelis. Israel is gambling with American lives.

"Just as Bill Clinton confronted Sister Souljah over Black extremism in 1992, George Bush must withdraw our ambassador from Israel, suspend all military and economic aid, and tell Israelis to get out of the West Bank and retreat to the 1967 Green Line, immediately.

"The irony of the situation is that Bush thinks his policy will buy Jewish votes. On the contrary, the Israelis are creating a conflagration in the Middle East that puts America on the cusp of chaos. No one voted in 2000 to endorse terrorism or territorial conquest by Israel . By allowing Israel to rampage-as I previously predicted that nation would during 2004-Bush is engineering his own political suicide in November.

"Ariel Sharon's plan to 'withdraw' while stealing half of Palestine is a prescription for perpetual war. It is insane.

"Condolezza Rice should stop genuflecting to Israelis and tell them the bottom line: Go home to the Green Line. Or get out of Washington and stop using America 's good name to buttress your dirty policies. Hello Sister Souljah Rice.

"Palestinian voters in Florida made George Bush president. He has betrayed the promises he made to them. He has sold America 's honor to the highest bidder. Enough said.

"There is a lot of good in George Bush, and some bad. But as a Republican candidate, I hope we are not campaigning in the fall while Israelis are slaughtering Palestinians and stealing their land. There is little honor and dignity in the Israeli government. We must take steps to regain and protect our own national pride, by banning Israeli leaders with blood on their hands, such as Ariel Sharon, from any presence in Washington .

"If Bush allows Israel to set the Middle East on fire, he will be the loser. His refusal to stop Israeli criminality endangers every American serving in Iraq . We have 100,000 Americans surrounded by 300 million angry Arabs."

"Bush must excise the neo-con cancer in Washington before it consumes him." Martin states.

Andy Martin is Out2.com's independent Contrarian Columnist and chief national and foreign correspondent. He has been involved in the Middle East since 1971 and is one of America 's most respected foreign policy analysts. He serves as Executive Director of the Revolutionary War Research Center . He has served as Out2.com Baghdad Bureau Chief since April 2003 and is scheduled to return to Baghdad in May. Martin expects to be in position in Iraq on June 30th to cover the transition.

Martin plans to qualify as a candidate for the Republican Party nomination for U.S. Senator from Florida in May.

Media contact: (202) 496-1428; background stories: andy@andymartin.com.
