Deir Yassin, 56 Years
April 09, 2004

Defiantly refusing to be written out of history, Palestinians mark the anniversaries of atrocities committed by Israel with heightened urgency. Today, we remember the Deir Yassin massacre. For 56 years, Palestinian calls for justice have gone unanswered, while a slow, but systematic massacre of an entire people continues unabated. Each day, more Palestinians are displaced and turned into refugees, with countless more in waiting as Israel accelerates the construction of its ‘security’ barrier, grabbing Palestinian land and creating prison-like enclaves for 2.2 million Palestinians in the West Bank.

As Sharon pushes through his “unilateral disengagement” plan, Palestinians find that not only do they lack any say, but that their inalienable rights are dependent on the ‘generosity’ of the US. The Bush administration is currently taking full liberty in assuring Israel that it will not have to withdraw to the Green Line in a future permanent settlement with the Palestinians. This promise, among others, appears in a letter of guarantees drafted by the US administration in exchange for Sharon's withdrawal from Gaza.

While officially rejecting Israel's request to recognize the future annexation of the large settlement blocs in Ma'ale Adumim, Ariel and Etzion, Washington will offer Israel a vaguely worded letter, which can be presented as implied recognition of the settlement blocs. Moreover, the draft letter, the final version of which will be presented to Sharon during his scheduled April 14th meeting with President Bush, says that Palestinian refugees will be able to return to a future Palestinian state, implying that the US supports Israel in its objection to the right of return.

Further, Israel is seeking public American recognition of the separation wall route, in return for agreeing to put off building what the US considers a problematic section of the barrier near Ariel. Finally, according to Sharon, the US will state in writing that it is against any plan that endangers Israel and that "does not condition progress on eliminating terror."

While Palestinians welcome an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, their fears that this will be met by a total annexation of the majority of the West Bank is both justified and real, given Sharon’s assertion that his unilateral plan is a "deadly blow" to the Palestinians. "In the unilateral plan, there is no Palestinian state. This situation could continue for many years," Sharon told the Hebrew language newspaper Yediot Ahronot in an interview. He added that the plan "will bring their (the Palestinians') dreams to an end." Despite these blatant statements in direct contradiction with the “road map,” the US remains elusive preferring to appear ignorant of the wider ramifications of Sharon’s plan on the peace process.

56 years ago, April 9th, 1948, a total of 250 children, women, and men were brutally and savagely murdered at the hands of Jewish terrorists. Members of the Irgun (headed by the would-be Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin) and the Stern Gang attacked the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin and systematically murdered its inhabitants. It appears that Israel’s despicable methods have not changed much over the years, with the only difference being that the terrorist Israeli gangs have been transformed into a world class military that conducts its murders under the veneer of legitimacy. Since September 2000, more than 2940 Palestinians have died at the hands of Israel’s ruthless occupation army, among them over 550 children.

Today, we painfully mark the 56th anniversary of this horrific chapter in our history amid fears of an uncertain and steadily worsening future. The state of Israel is slipping farther away from its unquestionable obligation to come to terms with its own history and acknowledge the suffering it has inflicted upon the Palestinian people. Long overdue, the international community must realize that its willingness to turn a blind eye has allowed Israeli terrorist activities to continue in the present as they did in the past. The international community must also realize that by endorsing Sharon’s “unilateral disengagement,” they are complicit in the creation of facts on the ground that will effectively end the viability of a two state solution.

A peace process, embedded with principles of morality, justice and freedom, which engages both sides equally must be vigorously pursued to immediately halt the repetition of ongoing massacres endured by the Palestinian people and bring about a lasting resolution to the conflict.