The Effect of the Israeli Occupation on Education - April 6th, 2004
By Ministry of Education
April 14, 2004

Assessment “9”
The Effect of the Israeli Occupation on Education
(28/9/2000-- 6/4/2004)

Download Full Report (pdf)

The Ministry of Education and Higher Education has committed itself since it took over the responsibility of education in 1994 to rise up with the educational process, and to enhance the quality of education. Increases in schools enrollment have been a major concern, a quality and capacity building within the strategic plans for the various education tends still, in spite of the hard political circumstances.

The educational process has been affected a lot during Al-Aqsa Intifada as a result of the Israeli aggressive policy on the 28th of September until now. Despite all the efforts that have been done by the Ministry and all other partners..

The Israeli aggression, sieges and incursions had the worst effect on the educational process and on the human or physical, and psychological sides. Many students, teachers and employees faced arresting, humiliating and suffering by Israeli soldiers on military check points between cities and villages in all of the Palestinian districts. Aside from the fact that many of the students were martyred, injured, and suffered difficulties on their way to or in schools, they are also subject to some psychological problems in which affected their school performance and future.


The report provides a comprehensive review of the effects of the Israeli occupation on the educational sector and includes relevant statistics on Human losses and physical damages in addition to an impact analyses of the Israeli separation wall on the sector. The report is updated monthly