New Road to Peace

Israel’s latest decision to confiscate 658 dunums of Palestinian land in east Jerusalem in order to complete the “encirclement” of the city is a clear reminder of Barak’s lack of genuine will to reach a just and comprehensive peace. The confiscated land will be used to complete a road (Ring Road) intended by the Israeli government to cut off Jerusalem from West Bank territories, and at the same time connect Israeli settlements.

This policy of segregation reflects a “racist” attitude and places dangerous obstacles in the road to peace. Most importantly, it stands in grave violation of international law, namely, the Fourth Geneva Convention and UN Resolution 242, which clearly prohibit Israel from making demographic or territorial changes to “occupied” territories. Israel does not exercise sovereignty over Jerusalem, which is still considered by the international community as “occupied territory.”

"The illegal confiscation of Palestinian land and the construction of by-pass roads around Jerusalem jeopardizes the remaining hopes for the peace process," states Faisal Husseini, PLO Executive Committee Member in Charge of Jerusalem Affairs. "Such actions demonstrate the unfortunate reality that Israel is not ready to be a partner in peace."