A New Government with Old “Settlement” Policies
September 27, 1999

*The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) views with serious concern the Barak government's ongoing escalation and intensification of settlement activities.

*The Israeli Ministry of Housing and Construction has issued tenders for the construction of 2,600 new housing units in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

*In addition, 7 tenders have been issued for other development activities related to settlement infrastructure in the West Bank.

*These figures indicate that the new labor-led coalition is on its way to building more housing units in 3 months than the previous Likud government did in 3 years, during which it had constructed 3,000 housing units.

* Such actions point to an alarming inconsistency in the government's claim of commitment to peace and its actual policies on the ground.

* This discrepancy raises concerns regarding Barak's intentions and commitment to the achievement of genuine peace in the region. The continuation of illegal settlement activities is a major violation of international agreements, and constitutes a disastrous setback to the peace process altogether.

*The appointment of right wing MIFDAL leader Yitzhak Levi as Minister of Housing and Construction is, in its own right, a clear indication of Barak's hidden agenda, double standards, and conflicting policies.

* It is inconceivable that Barak is unaware of MIFDAL's expansionist agenda and Levi's settlement activities. He bears full responsibility for the actions of members of his government and is, therefore, called upon to rectify the situation before it is too late.

*Immediately upon the formation of the new government, Barak was required to take decisive and immediate measures to cease settlement activity and undo the damage inflicted by the previous Netanyahu government. Instead, his reaction of willful "silence" is reassurance to radical settlers that the government will not stand in the way of further illegal settlement expansion.

*In fact, Barak went as far as to assure the settlers of Ma'ale Adumim that their settlement is an inseparable part of Israel under any circumstances.

*The ministerial committee which Barak had set up to look into the legality of the 42 settlements constructed since the signing of the Wye River memorandum has not met once, while settlement construction is increasing at breakneck speed.

*MIFTAH strongly demands that the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak evacuate new settlement sites, withdraw all ongoing settlement tenders, cease all settlement activities, and begin the dismantlement of all settlements.

* In the context of the resumption of the final status negotiations, these steps are imperative if the talks are to have any substance, legality, and a hope of success.
