Clinton Interview with Israeli T.V.

In an interview with Israeli television on Thursday, 27/7/2000, US President, Bill Clinton, stated that he would consider moving the US embassy from its current location in Tel Aviv to west Jerusalem by the end of the year. Mr. Clinton granted the interview at the request of Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, who faces a no-confidence vote at the Knesset next Monday.

Clinton’s statement, which was met by much Palestinian discontent, willfully neglects the rights of the Palestinians in the city under the provisions of international law. The proposal gives illegitimate recognition of Israel’s claim to Jerusalem as its “eternal and undivided capital.”

The Palestinians have repeatedly affirmed that Israel’s current status in Jerusalem is illegal. Israel’s claim to the whole of Jerusalem as its capital is not recognized by any state, and stands in grave violation of UN Resolution 242, which clearly demands that Israel must withdraw from all territories occupied in June 1967.

Palestinian Legislative Council member (Jerusalem), Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, asserted that Clinton’s proposal for moving the embassy “…sounds like blatant political blackmail, all in the interest of Barak.”

During the interview, Mr. Clinton also affirmed that any unilateral action by either side would be a “big mistake,” clearly, but indirectly, referring to President Arafat’s recent pledges to declare the Palestinian state on September 13th, with or without Israel’s consent.