Albright's Visit…

Albright’s American-style “magic diplomacy” is being tested yet again by both Israelis and Palestinians. The US Secretary of State’s current visit to the region aims to ease tensions and pave the way for a framework agreement on final status issues, and to

A deadlock over Israeli redeployment, an intensification of illegal settlement construction by Barak, and a detrimental Israeli policy of rejection to the return of Palestinian refugees are amongst the many factors contributing to the general climate of Palestinian public disbelief in the final status negotiations, and in the peace process altogether.

Yet, as the region prepares for the visit of US Secretary of State, Mrs. Albright, a glimpse of hope is being cautiously awaited. Shall we expect a typical demonstration of American “magic diplomacy,” thus, a meltdown of current tensions in the peace process, or will it be another superficial exhibition of US hegemony, lacking in substance and making no tangible contribution to the current negotiations?

Whatever comes out of the visit will indicate the extent to which the US-brokered peace process is heading towards the “end of conflict” in the Middle East.