UN GA Adopts Revised Resolution on Question of Palestine
By UN General Assembly
May 06, 2004

UN GA adopts revised resolution on question of Palestine, President's text on high-level meeting on outcome of millennium summit

Fifty-eighth General Assembly Plenary 86th Meeting* (AM & PM)

The General Assembly affirmed this afternoon that the status of the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, remained one of military occupation, as it adopted a revised resolution on the question of Palestine.

By a recorded vote of 140 in favour to 6 against (Israel, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, United States), with 11 abstentions, the Assembly also affirmed that the Palestinian people had the right to self-determination and to sovereignty over their territory, and that Israel had only the duties and obligations of an occupying Power. (See Annex.)

In another action, the Assembly adopted, without a vote, a draft resolution submitted by its President on the outcome of the Millennium Summit, by which it would convene at the start of its sixtieth session, a high-level plenary meeting. It also decided to allocate an agenda item on the financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti to its Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary).

Introducing the revised draft resolution on the question of Palestine, the representative of Malaysia said that, having dropped issues concerning credentials and representation, the text accepted the existence of both Israel and Palestine.

Urging support for the draft, the Observer for Palestine said that, since his side had long ago accepted Israel's existence and the two-State solution, the only reason for the continuation of conflict and bloodshed was Israel's continuing occupation of, and expansionist designs on, Palestinian territory. Furthermore, the proposed Israeli withdrawal from Gaza was merely an attempt to seal it off from the rest of the world, and finalize its transformation into a densely packed prison for the more than 1.2 million Palestinians living there.

Echoing those sentiments, Syria's representative expressed the hope that the text would put an end to Israel's arrogance and its flouting of international law. The Palestinian people were suffering under a brand of terrorism and destruction that was unprecedented in the history of humankind. Israeli land grabs, such as those in Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine, should never be legitimized, he added.

Opposing the text, Israel's representative said the refusal of Palestinian leaders to comply with their obligations to fight terrorism, as required by the Road Map, was killing the peace process. It was ironic that rather than discussing such shortcomings, the Palestinians were instead encouraging the Assembly to support yet again their partisan, distorted agenda. Israelis also had rights, and Palestinians also had responsibilities.

Supporting Israel's position, the representative of the United States said the text was inappropriate and ill-timed and would detract from, rather than enhance, ongoing peace efforts. Flying in the face of a recent statement by the Quartet, the text undermined that group's assertion that no unilateral action should prejudge negotiations on final status and border issues.
