South Lebanon and the Final Status Talks

Israel’s withdrawal from south Lebanon, ending 22 years of occupation, has unquestionably received overwhelming support from all parts of the Arab world. Yet at the same time, there is an urgent need to stress the importance of a “full” Israeli implementation of UN Resolutions 425 and 426, which call for a complete and unconditional withdrawal from all parts of south Lebanon.

The withdrawal is also a reminder of Israel’s obligation to abide by international law, and implement all relevant UN Resolutions concerning the status of the Palestinian territories and the Palestinian refugees, namely the implementation of resolutions 242, 338, 181, and 194.

The Palestinian-Israeli final status talks, which are expected to resume in a few days, should aim to reach a just and comprehensive settlement to the conflict, based on justice and legality. Only a settlement that respects the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people will be both stable and durable.

Barak’s shortsighted proposals for a final settlement, which have haunted the negotiations so far, cannot be accommodated if a comprehensive end to the conflict should be reached. This calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian territories, the recognition of the 1967 boundaries, the dismantlement of all illegal Israeli settlements, and the acknowledgement of the Palestinian refugees’ right of return.