Settlements, Jerusalem, and the Peace Process

Last Sunday’s resumption of talks between Palestinian and Israeli officials in Eilat were overshadowed by Tel Aviv’s decision to add 174 housing units to the settlement of Ma’ale Adomim, which is located on the outskirts of Jerusalem. Ironically, this decision comes at a time of unquestionable need to intensify efforts aimed at reaching a framework agreement by the end of this month, and a final accord by September 2000.

This decision clearly reasserts Barak’s infamous “No” to the return to the June 1967 borders, thus, to UN Resolution 242, and the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Ma’ale Adomim, and all settlements constructed within and around Jerusalem, is in grave violation of the above-mentioned agreements, and places dangerous obstacles in the road to peace and stability in the region. For Israel, maintaining its illegal annexation of “the united and eternal capital of Israel” seems to override its commitment to peace.

By taking such decisions, Israel is adding more volatility to an already explosive situation, particularly at this crucial phase of the peace process.