Bomb Attack in Northern Israel
November 07, 1999

In light of Sunday's bomb attack in the northern Israeli town of Netanya, The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) re-advocates its position against violent acts committed against civilians, and re-asserts its commitment to the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict by peaceful means and through the conduct of negotiation.

MIFTAH views with serious concern the timing of Sunday's attack, particularly in the context of recent developments witnessed in the Middle East Peace Process. As intensive efforts for reaching a final status agreement are being pushed by all the concerned parties, the general political mood has now suffered a powerful blow.

However, there seems to be a need to read between the lines. The timing of such attacks has repeatedly and consistently coincided with the verge of making progress in the peace process.

Three factors dictate a sense of peculiarity regarding the attack; the scheduled commencement of final status talks, the evacuation of 4 settlement sites in the West Bank, and leakages of false speculations concerning a possible Hamas renewal of violent acts against Israel.

MIFTAH stresses the urgency of not making any assumptions regarding the responsibility of the attack, and calls for the commencement of final status talks as scheduled during the recent Oslo Summit.

The peace process, and the negotiation of final status issues in particular, must continue in order to secure a lasting and comprehensive peace in the region; despite the detrimental effects of Sunday's isolated incident.