The Multilateral Track

The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) has received an official invitation from the United States and Russia to attend the meeting of the Steering Committee of the Multilateral Negotiations, which is due to take place in Moscow next month.

The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) affirms that the conditions under which these talks could not be resumed during the course of the past few years, in which former Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has followed a clear policy of neglect and rejection to the peace process, is still present even under the “peace-advocating” new Prime Minister, Ehud Barak.

A continuation of illegal settlement construction and expansion, a violation of the most basic human rights through the use of “barbaric” torture methods against Palestinian political prisoners, a continuous discriminatory policy of home demolition against Palestinians, and an unconditional rejection to the rightful return of the Palestinian refugees are amongst several obstacles that the Barak era has placed in front of the Palestinians and the peace process in general.

Entering the multilateral negotiations must be guaranteed by Israel’s genuine will to pursue a policy that is compatible with the requirements of peace. MIFTAH, therefore, calls for a pragmatic and cautious consideration by the PNA before resuming the multilateral talks with the other parties. In the first place, this entails that Israel is obliged to cease all settlement activities, halt all violations against Palestinian civilians (through home demolition and the torture of prisoners), and accept the Palestinian refugees’ right of return.

Finally, the position of all Arab states, in particular those involved in the multilateral negotiations, must be harmonized in accordance with the above conditions, in order to guarantee the full commitment of Israel to the peace process, thus to guarantee stability, peace, and the end of the conflict.