Accusation Follows Occupation for Palestinian Children
June 14, 2004

The political, legal, and human condition of the Palestinian people is currently a composite of bizarre factors, bordering on the surrealistic, with very tragic consequences.

The Israeli occupation continues unabated, with a multitude of expressions of direct oppression ranging from military assaults and incursions, to a stifling siege and apartheid-like "separation," to home demolitions and assassinations, to abductions and curfews.

Tragically, children have not been spared from the depths of this conflict; an entire Palestinian generation is being raised under Israel’s deliberate and cruel incursion into the spirit and will of a whole people in an attempt to break their spirit of resistance and to "normalize" this most abnormal and intrusive occupation.

The inability and helplessness Palestinian parents are feeling towards protecting their children is just a part of the mounting pressure these stolen childhoods are under, every part of this unjust conflict is impacting the future of this generation.

Despite all these painful facts, an article was published recently in the New York Times newspaper, entitled “Israel Says Children Enlist Children as Suicide Bombers,” which focused on Nasser Awartani, a Palestinian child accused of recruiting other kids to carry out “suicide bombings.”

Nasser, 15, who is now in Israeli custody, is suspected of being the link to several bombings, where he allegedly recruited youths in the Palestinian city of Nablus to become bombers.

Awartani family members did not believe these accusations, especially since Nasser is a good student in school and has no previous record of trouble.

While Israeli leaders expressed their “concern” that Palestinian factions were “cynically exploiting” the youths, it seems they could care less that in Israel's “Operation Rainbow” in Rafah, at least 10 Palestinian children were killed, including Asma and Ahmed, 16 and 13-years-old respectively, who were shot in their home.

It is not worried that 573 Palestinian children were killed since September 2000, ranging from ages 0-18, and leaving behind them torn families and agonizing mothers.

Israel is not troubled that it is holding 337 Palestinian children in prisons, who are subjected to torture, mistreatment and abuse, not to mention the impact imprisonment is going to leave on their lives as they grow up and become part of the Palestinian society.

Israel is not concerned that it is breaking the convention of children’s rights with every single action it is implementing on the ground, thereby diminishing the concepts of righteousness and correctness Palestinian children should learn in order to establish a peaceful future.

What Israel keeps ignoring is the fact that no peace with the Palestinians is going to be reached if it keeps repressing Palestinian children, for they are the future of the Palestinian nation and the ones who will bear the choice.

What Israel is doing with its measures and policies is plant hate in the hearts of children and teach them violence and aggression. Generations born and raised during different Palestinian uprisings have never been presented to a positive and peaceful side to Israel that they can identify with.

The Israeli government should take a closer look into its actions and their long term influence, which has already forming a gloomy future.