Blindness is a Virtue
June 16, 2004

As Palestinians witness the expansion of the wall, eating up pieces of their lands daily, the position of the international community on this issue has become somewhat absurd, but then again, seeing is believing.

Maybe the international community can not really evaluate the Palestinian’s loss without actually seeing the height and width of the Wall. On the other hand, maybe the international community is enjoying its blindness.

Today, the Wall is cutting into the heart of the West Bank, as Israel started building its so-called security Wall around the Palestinian town of Salfit, located 15 miles southeast of Nablus, encompassing 28,000 hectares and ghettoizing 50,000 Palestinians.

Since 1978, Israel started surrounding Salfit with settlements, and built Ariel - one of the seventeen settlements in that area and among the biggest Israeli settlements - confiscating 2000 hectares of Salfit, in addition to uprooting thousands of olive and fruit trees that Salfit residents rely on for consumption and trade.

Also, Salfit’s residents not only have no land left for natural growth and expansion, but are also denied permits to plant trees, since sections of Salfit are still under total Israeli control.

According to Israel’s new plan, the new Wall will be erected around three sides of Ariel, and the same building pattern is going to be implemented in other settlements in the same area. After this mission is completed, these sections will be linked together and then eventually with the main barrier.

This means confiscating thousands of acres of land from Salfit and its province, entirely isolating the town from the outside world, and reoccupying and dominating the West Bank.

This whole Israeli plan is against its previous agreements with the American government, not to mention its total illegality, as a mechanism for collective punishment and illegitimate land confiscation.

Maybe, after all the dark facts, the international community is better off blind.

Blind from seeing the height of the Wall, and the fact that it also dominates the view and the sky of Palestinians.

Blind that thousands of Palestinians living within the confines of the Wall, who once believed in peace, now face twice the pain and loss they suffered from at the beginning.

Blind from reading and understanding international law, that proves the illegality of Israel’s measures and its blatant disregard for it despite its full awareness of it.

Blind from the political and economic self interest and dominance that fuels superpowers and allows them to abandon their responsibilities.

Blindness can be a virtue for the time being, but sight will be enforced once the same injustice creeps over the world.