Presidential Decree Regarding the Call for the General Elections
By President Arafat
June 22, 2004

Presidential Decree
NO. ( ) of 2004
Regarding the Call for the General Elections

The President of the State of Palestine;
The President of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization:
The President of the Palestinian National Authority,

Having seen the Law NO. 5 of 1995 concerning the transference of powers and competences;
Having seen the Law NO. 13 of 1995 concerning the elections;
Based upon the powers bestowed in me; and
In fulfillment of the public interest,

I hereby promulgate the following Decree:

Article 1

The compiling of the voters' list shall commence and the registration shall take place starting from Saturday, September 4th, 2004 A.D.

Article 2

The preliminary voters' list shall be exhibited for challenge starting from Saturday, November 20th, 2004 and for a period of five days.

Article 3

All the institutions concerned must implement this Decree. The Decree shall enter into force starting from the date it is issued and shall be published in the Official Gazette.

Issued in the city of Ramallah: June 21st, 2004.

Yasser Arafat
The President of the State of Palestine
The President of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization
The President of the Palestinian National Authority