Settlement Freeze!

As the recent Oslo summit is concluded with cautious optimism by the United States, a renewed agenda is presenting itself before us.

The general atmosphere seems to confirm a sense of urgency by both Palestinians and Israelis to get the Peace Process moving in full momentum. The Americans, in their role as “facilitators” of Middle East peace, are equally expressing their intent to make the immediate future a time for substantial achievement and progress.

However, it is difficult not to feel that this optimism and claim for a new “hope” in the Peace Process is not being distorted by Ehud Barak’s shortsightedness and willful neglect of key Palestinian priorities and concerns. His response to President Arafat’s insistence on an Israeli cessation of settlement activities during the final status negotiations is ample proof of such dangerous disregard. Barak’s rejection of this justifiable and logical proposal reflects a mentality inconsistent with the imperatives of peace.