"An offer you can only refuse"

Oslo, 2 November, 1999- Palestinian sources have reported that Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Barak, has offered President Yasser Arafat his approval for the establishment of a Palestinian sovereign state, as long as the Palestinians give up their demand for the return of Palestinian “refugees” and postpone the dialogue on Jerusalem for fifteen years. Arafat has rejected this “offer.”

These are determining factors for the long-awaited vision of Palestinian independence and freedom; Barak’s undermining of issues such as Jerusalem and refugees make the purpose of the Peace Process shortsighted and ineffective altogether.

In light of the current talks in Oslo, Israeli and Palestinian efforts are moving in different and contradictory directions. Arafat is expressing clear signs of urgency to put pressure on Israel to stop settlement expansion, and Barak’s “red lines” for settlements, refugees, Jerusalem, and borders are unchanged.

The “end of conflict” in the Middle East can only be reached by a more harmonized and integrated vision of the final status issues.

Barak’s attempt to postpone negotiations over Jerusalem, and cancel the Palestinian refugees issue are detrimental to an already delayed peace process, since it presents nothing but offers the Palestinians can only refuse.
