ADC Opposes Congressional Endorsement of Sharon's Unilateral Plan
June 30, 2004

Washington, DC, June 30--On Wednesday, June 23, a bill (H.Con.Res 460, "Regarding the Security of Israel and Principles of Peace in the Middle East) supporting Sharon's unilateral plan, which was supported by President Bush, was approved with an overwhelming majority. Introduced by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) and Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), the legislation passed with 407 votes in support, 9 against and 3 votes pending.

On the next day, June 24, a similar resolution (S.Res.393, Expressing the Sense of the Senate in Support of United States Policy for a Middle East Peace Process) was passed in the Senate with 95 senators voting for the bill and only 3 opposing it. Two senators abstained.

The bills endorse Prime Minister Sharon's plan for limited withdrawal of some settlements in the Gaza strip to the extent "permitted by security needs" and to maintain widespread military occupation of Palestinian territories, including the West Bank. The legislation also allows for the continuing construction of the Wall, which the Prime Minister claims is a "security rather than a political barrier."

The bills effectively defy International law and threaten the "Roadmap" for Peace outlined in 2003 by both President Bush and Secretary Powell. Specifically, President Bush and Prime Minister Sharon are acting outside of Phase 3 of the "Roadmap." This stipulates that both the Palestinians and the Israelis must deliberate upon any issues relating to settlements, refugees, borders and Jerusalem at an international conference. Yet, no Palestinian representatives were present at any point during negotiations.

ADC President Mary Rose Oakar said, "Negotiations to determine the future of the Palestinian people cannot be conducted between the United States and Israel alone. The Palestinians must be full and equal parties to any deliberation that affects their fundamental rights, such as final borders of a Palestinian state and the right of return for refugees. Such resolutions, closely followed in the Arab World damage our credibility in the region as an honest and fair broker and only fan the flames of anti-Americanism."