Home Demolition in East Jerusalem

The demolition of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem is an Israeli policy intended to maintain a Jewish demographic majority in the city. Israel aims to maintain a rate of 72% to 28% at all costs; despite the natural and inevitable Palestinian demographic growth. The 200,000 Palestinians of East Jerusalem are limited to building in only 11% of the city.

The Arab population of East Jerusalem is undergoing “systematic ethnic cleansing.” By making it almost impossible for the Palestinians to acquire the necessary building permits, Israel aims to systematically drive them out of the city. Another choice they are left with is to build without approval in order to accommodate natural growth; a risk that is followed by sweeping Israeli bulldozers.

Such measures are not only detrimental to the Palestinians of Jerusalem, but also to the letter and spirit of the peace process altogether. A just and lasting peace cannot be achieved with such “discriminatory” policies in practice.
