Statement Following Quartet Meeting With PA Prime Minister Ahmad Quriea
By Ministry of Foreign Affairs
July 08, 2004

Representatives of the Quartet - Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Satterfield, UN Special Coordinator Terje Roed-Larsen, European Union Special Representative Marc Otte and Ambassador Alexander Kalugin of Russia - met in Ramallah on July 7 with Prime Minister Ahmad Quriea' and other senior PNA officials.

Noting the vital importance of security in creating a climate in which forward movement is possible, the envoys stressed that the Palestinian National Authority must make progress on its security-related obligations under the roadmap. Recalling the Quartet Ministerial statement of May 4, they affirmed the need for concrete steps on the ground by the PNA, not passivity, in order to revive the roadmap and seize the opportunity represented by Israel's Gaza withdrawal initiative.

In this context the envoys expressed their deep appreciation and strong support for the Egyptian role in working with the parties. The Quartet stands ready to further those efforts and urges the Palestinian National Authority to do its part by moving decisively to fulfill its security commitments.

The Quartet envoys discussed the plans of the Palestinian Authority for organizing and holding municipal elections, and confirmed their readiness to assist with this process as appropriate.

The envoys also reviewed with the Prime Minister their discussion of the humanitarian situation and developmental needs in the West Bank and Gaza, as well as their preparations for a meeting in September of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee to assess PA progress on reforms.

The Quartet remains committed to working with a responsible and accountable Palestinian National Authority in pursuit of internal reform and a just, lasting solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The Quartet's effectiveness in so doing depends to a significant extent on the willingness of the Palestinian side to dedicate itself without reservation to the tasks at hand and the decisions necessary to achieve our common goals.