ICJ Rules, USA Looking to Bend the Rules
July 09, 2004

The International Court of Justice will issue its ruling on Israel’s separation wall being constructed on occupied Palestinian land. The wall has imposed great hardship on all of the Palestinians living in the West Bank, including east Jerusalem, and is separating Palestinian families from one another, children from their schools, farmers from their lands, civilian population from hospitals and medical centers. In essence it is imprisoning a whole population, substituting the conventional metal bars with 8-meter high cement walls, with a limited number of metal razor wire gates controlled by the wardens of occupation.

A report leaked by Haaretz newspaper indicates that the ruling will be overwhelmingly in favor of the Palestinian, with a recommendation for dismantlement of the illegal structure:

"The wall, along the route chosen, and its associated regime, gravely infringes a number of rights of Palestinians residing in the territory occupied by Israel, and the infringements resulting from that route cannot be justified by military exigencies or by the requirements of national security or public order."

According to the same source 14 out of 15 judges voted for the decision condemning Israel. Not surprisingly, American Justice Thomas Buerghenthal is the odd one out, reportedly disagreeing with all but one of the 7 sections of the ruling.

America has again given ‘reassurances’ to confirm, that once the recommendations of the ICJ reach the UN, it will veto them and stand with Israel against justice and the rest of the world which is overwhelmingly appalled by Israel’s racist, illegal and unjustified annexation wall.

Consistent with Israel’s typical defiance of international norms and laws, ‘Justice’ Minister Lapid sought, as usual, to cite anti-Israel “attitudes” to explain the anticipated negative criticism of the wall: "We will abide by the ruling of our own High Court and not the panel in The Hague with judges from the European Union who are not suspected of being particularly disposed toward Israel."

Israel can continue to defy the world and the USA can continue to defend the number one violator of international laws and conventions. Ultimately, such actions will only hurt Israel and its allies. America has distanced itself from liberty, equality and justice and is increasingly isolated as a partner in crime, aiding and abetting a cruel occupier even as the world largely stands united in defiance of the forces of oppression.
