Preliminary Analysis of the Humanitarian Implications of the latest Barrier Projections
July 10, 2004

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

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Preliminary Analysis of the Humanitarian Implications of Latest - Jul 2004 Barrier Projections

On 30 June 2004, the Government of Israel revised the route of the West Bank Barrier and published a map on its seam zone website, ( The previous map was released on 23 October 2003.

In June 2002, the Government of Israel began construction of the Barrier following several suicide bombings and attacks by Palestinian militants on Israeli citizens. It maintains that the Barrier is a temporary structure to physically separate the West Bank from Israel to prevent such attacks on Israeli citizens.

Once completed, the Barrier will be 622 km long. Approximately 185 km of the Barrier has already been constructed. This section consists of a combination of ditches, trenches, roads, razor wire, electronic fences and concrete walls. The Head of the Knesset Economics Committee estimates that the Barrier will cost $3.4 billion.

While part of the Barrier lies on the Green Line, most of the revised route still passes through the West Bank. This report analyses the revised route and its humanitarian impact in these areas.
