Arrogant and Rude
July 23, 2004

It has become perfectly acceptable for Israel to make outrageous statements accusing the whole world of conspiring against the poor ‘occupiers.’ In the United Nations (UN) after the unanimous vote at the General Assembly (GA) in support of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling regarding the wall, the Israeli ambassador to the UN went on record again undermining the world and deeming anyone who criticizes oppression by the Jewish state as “lacking intelligence.” “Thank God,” said Israeli Ambassador Gillerman, “that the fate of Israel and the Jewish people is not decided in this hall. This resolution cannot but embolden those who are the true enemies of the Israeli and Palestinian people.” Referring to the EU vote he said “In the end, the desire for consensus among the Europeans overcame intelligent thinking.”

Similar humiliating and demeaning comments were repeated by many Israeli officials including the Israeli Prime Minister (PM) Ariel Sharon. “No EU role without attitude change” said the Israeli right-wing PM. Similar remarks are echoed by his Foreign Minister (FM) Sylvan Shalom: "Israel has an interest in integrating the international community, especially Europe, in a (peace) process with the Palestinians," the Israeli leader said. "But without a radical change in the European position, especially in relation to Israel's security and its need to defend itself, that will be difficult to do."

Today, all 150 nations which stood with humanity and justice will be accused of being ‘anti-Semitic,’ for this is the usual label granted to any critic of Israel and its ruthless and illegal occupation of the Palestinian people and territories. The world is growing tired of the crying and whining being done by the oppressors and violators of laws and norms.

The message was loud and clear when the ICJ decided to go back to the basics. Not only did it address the legality of the wall, which was the only thing put forth by the Palestinian legal team before the court, but also mentioned the West Bank (including east Jerusalem) and Gaza as occupied territories, the illegality of settlements and the Palestinian right to self determination. Dismissing the bogus security and self-defense argument, the ICJ went further by adopting the “Wall” as the terminology, as opposed to fence or barrier. The ICJ reiterated the Palestinian right to self determination, which is being stalled and made impossible by the racist and devastating occupation wall.

The ICJ was clear in defining the occupied territories and holding the occupier responsible for human rights of the occupied extra territorially. As for the EU, regarding Israel’s petty threats and insults, it should not allow itself to be further manipulated and should continue to stand with justice, for the sake of Europe, and the Israelis, and the Palestinians.

Today, Sharon’s Israel is clouded with fear, fed to its people throughout the years in order to scare them into defending the occupation, which somehow got tied with the Jewish religion and Israel’s existence. There are growing voices, within Israel, which are saying enough with the fear factor, educate our children for the sake of true peace.

Enough with the arrogance, Israel should face the music and meet her responsibilities for soon enough it will be too late, and Israel will be further isolated while the world, would have grown weary and impatient with the arrogant occupier that wants to continue to be a state above the law and against humanity, justice and the will of the majority of the countries of the world.