PCHR Calls upon the International Community to Immediately Intervene to Reopen Rafah Terminal
July 29, 2004

PCHR calls upon the international community and humanitarian organizations to immediately intervene and pressure the Israeli occupation authorities to reopen Rafah Terminal on the Egyptian border in order to allow thousands of Palestinians to travel in and out of the Gaza Strip. Hundreds of Palestinians, including patients, have been blocked at the Egyptian side of the terminal under inhuman conditions, waiting to be allowed to travel back to the Gaza Strip. PCHR strongly condemns continued Israeli violations of the right to freedom of movement through Rafah Terminal, which has been the only outlet for the Gaza Strip to the outside world since 14 February 2001, when Israeli occupying forces destroyed the runway of Gaza International Airport. Palestinians from the Gaza Strip have been also prevented from traveling to Jordan and other countries through al-Karama Terminal (King Hussein Bridge) on the Jordanian border.

According to information gathered by PCHR field workers, Israeli occupying authorities have continued to close Rafah Terminal since 18 July 2004, prohibiting thousands of Palestinians from traveling. As a result, many patients who are badly in need for special medical treatment abroad have not been able to travel, and humanitarian and medical aid provided by Arab countries to the Palestinian people has been blocked at the Egyptian side of the terminal. According to the Palestinian civil liaison, nearly 300 Palestinian travelers have been blocked at the Egyptian side of the terminal, lacking basic services, which endangers their health. In addition, around 2000 other travelers have been waiting on the Egyptian side outside the crossing waiting to be allowed to cross to the Gaza Strip, and many of them have been forced to travel to Egyptian cities waiting for the terminal to be reopened.

Recently, Israeli occupying forces have partially operated Rafah Terminal, sharply decreasing the number of travelers as they have imposed severe restrictions on travelers. Since 18 April 2004, Israeli occupying forces have prevented Palestinians whose ages range between 16 and 35 years, including even patients and students, from traveling through the terminal.

PCHR believes that Israeli measures at Rafah Terminal constitute a form of collective punishment, which violates the word and spirit of international humanitarian law. PCHR calls upon the international community and humanitarian organizations to pressure the Israeli government to respect its obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949.
