Statement by Peter Hansen, Commissioner-General of UNRWA, 4 Aug
By UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
August 05, 2004

I have been closely monitoring the evolution of the security situation in the Gaza Strip which forced me on 21 July to relocate part of my Headquarters staff to Jerusalem. Since then, Israeli military operations in Beit Hanoun have continued and been expanded and there have been announcements regarding the potential extension of Israeli military incursions into other parts of the Northern Gaza Strip.

Clashes between Palestinian factions are also increasing the need to reduce staff's exposure to situations of risk, as a secondary reason.

Faced with a further escalation in the level of insecurity faced by UNRWA staff, I have decided to relocate temporarily to Amman all remaining international staff working at UNRWA Headquarters with the exception of my own Office and that of the Deputy Commissioner-General.

UNRWA's Gaza Field Office will continue to be fully staffed and will maintain all regular and emergency services provided to Palestine refugees in the Gaza Strip.

Peter Hansen, Commissioner-General