Israeli Forces Continue to Attack Civilians and Destroy Property in the OPTs
August 06, 2004

8 Palestinians, 6 of whom are civilians, including 3 children and one woman, were killed by Israeli troops

  • Continued Israeli offensive on Beit Hanoun

  • Israeli forces conducted a series of incursions into Palestinian areas in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

  • 45 houses and number of civilians facilities were destroyed in the southern Gaza Strip

  • One house was destroyed in the context of retaliatory measures against families of Palestinian activists

  • Continued indiscriminate shelling of residential areas and at least 30  Palestinian civilians were injured

  • Construction of the “Annexation wall” in the West Bank has continued

  • Israeli occupying forces have continued to impose a total siege on the OPTs; Rafah Terminal on the Egyptian border has been closed for the 3rd consecutive week, Israeli troops fired at Palestinian civilians waiting at military checkpoints, and Beit Hanoun has been under a strict siege for the 6th consecutive week

  • Introduction

    Israeli occupying forces have perpetrated more violations of human rights against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPTs).  This week, 8 Palestinians, 6 of whom are civilians, including 3 children and one woman, were killed and dozens of other civilians were injured by Israeli troops.  Human rights violations perpetrated by Israeli occupying forces included willful killing, incursions into Palestinian areas, indiscriminate shelling, house demolitions and land leveling.  Israeli troops have also continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.  They also arrested dozens of Palestinians civilians. 

    In the Gaza Strip, 6 Palestinians, 5 of whom were civilians, including 3 children and one woman, were killed by Israeli troops.  On 30 July and 1 August 2004, a 15-year-old child and a woman were killed in Khan Yunis by Israeli troops.  On 4 August 2004, 3 Palestinian civilians, including 2 children, were killed by the Israeli shelling in the northern Gaza Strip, which has been subject to a wide scale Israeli offensive for the second consecutive month.  Also on 4 August 2004, a Palestinian was killed when he clashed with Israeli troops that had moved into Rafah refugee camp and destroyed a number of houses and civilians facilities.  This week, Palestinian residential areas in Rafah and Khan Yunis were subject to indiscriminate Israeli shelling.  At least 30 Palestinian civilians were injured.  The northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun and neighboring areas have been subject to a wide scale Israeli offensive for the 6th consecutive week.  This week, Israeli troops further tightened the siege imposed on these areas.  They also shelled Palestinian residential areas and opened fire at Palestinian civilians.  In addition to the aforementioned 3 civilians who were killed in Beit Hanoun, at least 50 other civilians, including around 20 children, were injured, some of whom were in a serious condition.  On two occasions, 2 women and their children were injured while they were inside their houses. 

    This week, Israeli troops conducted 6 military incursions into Palestinian areas in the Gaza Strip.  The widest of these incursions was into Rafah refugee camp on 3 and 4 August 2004, during which Israeli troops demolished 22 houses, rendering 269 people (53 families) homeless.  In two other incursions into Rafah and Khan Yunis refugee camp on 29 July and 1 August 2004 respectively, Israeli troops demolished 13 houses, leaving 159 people (31 families) homeless.  On 30 July 2004, Israeli helicopter gunships destroyed a factory that lies under an apartment building in al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.  The building belongs to the family of a Palestinian woman who carried out a bombing against Israeli troops at Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip. 

    In the West Bank, Israeli occupying forces launched a series of attacks against Palestinian civilians.  This week, 2 Palestinians were killed by Israeli troops; on 29 July 2004, a Palestinian was killed when he clashed with Israeli troops in 'Allar village near Tulkarm, and on 4 August 2004, a Palestinian civilian was killed when Israeli troops opened fire at passing civilians in Nablus.  Israeli troops also arrested dozens of Palestinian civilians throughout the West Bank.  On 29 July 2004, Israeli troops destroyed a house belonging to the family of a Palestinian detainee in Beit Leqia village, southwest of Ramallah.    

    Israeli occupying forces have continued to construct the annexation wall inside the West Bank.  This week, this construction took place mainly in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and the northern Jordan Valley.  Israeli occupying forces issued a number of military orders confiscating more areas of Palestinian land for the purpose of the construction of the wall.  In the same context, on Monday, 2 August 2004, Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz stated, following a visit to a section of the wall, that the route of the wall would not be moved back to the 1967 border, in violation of international humanitarian law and an advisory opinion issued by the International Court of Justice on 9 July 2004.  This advisory opinion demanded that Israel halt construction of the annexation wall and dismantle the section that had been already constructed, since it is illegal. 

    Israeli occupying forces have continued to impose a tightened siege on the OPTs and have imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including Jerusalem.  In the Gaza Strip, since 18 July 2004, Israeli troops have continued to close Rafah Terminal on the Egyptian border, the only outlet for the Gaza Strip to the outside world, depriving thousands of Palestinian civilians of their right to freedom of movement.  In the West Bank, Israeli occupying forces have continued to impose a strict siege on Palestinian communities.  They have also imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.  Israeli troops also imposed a curfew on a number of Palestinian communities for long periods.        

    Shelling of, and Encroachment into Palestinian Areas and Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property

    Israeli Offensive on Beit Hanoun and Neighboring Areas

    Israeli occupying forces have continued their offensive on the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun and neighboring areas since 28 June 2004.  Since then, a number of Palestinians, mostly civilians, have been killed, large areas of Palestinian agricultural land have been razed and the civilian infrastructure of the town has been largely destroyed.  Israeli troops have also isolated the town from the rest of the Gaza Strip. 

    PCHR's field worker in the northern Gaza Strip was able to enter Beit Hanoun on Thursday, 29 July 2004.  He described the situation as follows:

    Streets were empty as Israeli troops had seized a number of houses in the town and transformed them into military posts, from which they fired at passing Palestinian civilians. 

    There was an economic crisis due to shortages of some foodstuffs and fuels, as trucks loaded with food had not been allowed to enter the town without prior coordination with Israeli troops.  Some foodstuffs were brought into the town using animal carts, which had been under the threat from Israeli gunfire. 

    Large destruction, especially to the civilian infrastructure, was apparent. 

    Green areas disappeared from the town as Israeli troops had razed large areas of agricultural land. 

     At approximately 02:00 on Thursday, 29 July 2004, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military vehicles, moved nearly 2000 meters into the east of Jabalya near Beit Haoun.  They destroyed a fence and 2 rooms belonging to a concrete factory and arrested its guard, 'Abdul Hamid 'Abdul 'Aziz Abu Khousa, 55. 

     At approximately 07:00 on the same day, Israeli troops further tightened the siege imposed on the town.  They closed the road leading to the town from the northwest, which had been the only road available for the movement of Palestinian civilians out of the town on foot.  Palestinian civilians were forced to use branch roads, but Israeli troops fired at them and forced them to go back to the town. 

     At approximately 01:00 on Sunday, 1 August 2004, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military vehicles and helicopters, moved into 'Abed Rabbu farm in the east of Jabalya. Under the cover of intense gunfire, Israeli troops moved forward and took position on al-Kashef hill, nearly 500 meters to the east of Jabalya refugee camp.  They razed areas of agricultural land belonging to the families of al-Haj and 'Abed Rabbu. 

     At approximately 16:00 on the same day, Israeli troops positioned at the western entrance to Beit Hanoun opened fire at Palestinian civilians who were trying to move out of the town.  Two civilians were wounded:


    1. Rami Mahmoud Ahmed, 25, wounded by shrapnel in the face and the feet; and

    2. Sami Fadel al-Basiouni, 19, wounded by a live bullet in the right foot. 

     At approximately 18:00 on the same day, Israeli troops placed barbwire around 46 donums of agricultural land that had been already razed by those troops.  These areas of land, located near Erez crossing to the northwest of Beit Hanoun, belong to the families of Swailem, Hammad and al-Za'anin. 

     At approximately 21:00 on Monday, 2 August 2004, Israeli troops positioned on Qulaibu hill to the east of Sheikh Zayed town in Beit Lahia opened fire at Palestinian houses in Tal al-Za'tar neighborhood and neighboring areas.  A Palestinian woman, Nasra Mohammed Abu Hashish, 33, was wounded by 2 live bullets in the right foot and arm, and her child, Hana, 2, was injured by shrapnel in the right thigh, while the two were inside their house. 

     At approximately 01:30 on Tuesday, 3 August 2004, more Israeli heavy military vehicles were brought to Qulaibu hill, east of Beit Lahia, under the cover of intense shelling. 

     At approximately 12:30 on the same day, Israeli troops positioned in al-Sikka Street in the west of Beit Hanoun fired at a number of Palestinian civilians who attempted to get out of the town.  A woman, Samar Nashwan, 22, was wounded by a live bullet in the right thigh. 

     At approximately 15:30 on the same day, Israeli troops positioned in the northwest of Beit Hanoun opened fire at a number of Palestinian civilians who tried to enter the town.  A child, Mohammed Yousef Nasser, 10, was seriously wounded by a live bullet in the left thigh.

     Also at approximately 15:30 on the same day, Israeli troops positioned on Qulaibu hill forced residents of a 2-storey house belonging to Ramadan Yousef Ahmed 'Ali to leave their house.  Then, they demolished it and surrounded the area with sand barriers.  Israeli troops had transformed the house into a military site 3 days earlier. 

     At approximately 02:00 on Wednesday, 4 August 2004, Israeli troops shelled Palestinian houses in the east of Jabalya and Tal al-Za'tar neighborhood.  The shelling continued sporadically for several hours.  Six Palestinian civilians were injured when they were inside their houses; one of whom was in a serious condition. 

     At approximately 14:30 on the same day, Israeli troops opened fire at Palestinian houses in Zimmu Street in the east of Beit Hanoun.  A Palestinian woman, Hanan Sa'id Hamad, 26, was injured by shrapnel throughout the body, and two of her children were also injured: Miriam, 5; and Nadi, 6, injured by shrapnel in the feet.  The mother and her children were inside their house when they were injured. 

     Between 17:00 and 19:00 on the same day, Israeli troops positioned on Tal al-Kashef hill in the east of Jablaya and Tal Qulaibu hill in the east of Beit Lahia shelled Palestinian houses and streets.  Israeli helicopter gunships participated in firing at the areas.  Three Palestinian civilians, including 2 children, were killed:

    1.     Qassem Saleh al-Mutawaq, 19, from Jabalya, hit by a live bullet to the chest when he was coming back from the mosque;

    2.     Wa'el Mohammed Abu al-Jedian, 17, from Beit Lahia, hit by a live bullet to the chest; and

    3.     'Ali 'Abdul Hamid Abu 'Olba, 10, hit by a live bullet to the abdomen. 


    In addition, at least 30 other civilians, including 13 children, were wounded.  Two of the children are in a serious condition:


    1.     Mohammed Nizar Matar, 10, hit by a live bullet to the chest; and

    2.     Ibrahim 'Anan al-Barrawi, 9, hit by a live bullet to the chest. 

    Most of the casualties were in the upper part of the body.  Electricity was cut off from the whole northern Gaza Strip. 


    Thursday, 29 July 2004

     At approximately 01:00, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military vehicles and helicopters, moved nearly 200 meters into Block J in Rafah refugee camp, adjacent to the Egyptian border.  Under the cover of intense shelling, they broke into Fayez al-Banna's house and planted explosives inside.  Then they destroyed the house.  A neighboring house belonging to Mousa al-Sarafandi was severely damaged.  Israeli troops also destroyed 2 other houses belonging to the families of Barhoum and Hassouna.  During this incursion, an Israeli helicopter gunship fired a missile at a house that had been already destroyed.  As a result of these destructions, 85 people (17 families) have become homeless.  Block J has been subjected to frequent Israeli attacks during then Intifada. 

     At approximately 03:00, an infantry unit of Israeli occupying forces raided Khalil Suleiman Bashir's house located to the west of "Kfar Darom" settlement, southeast of Deir al-Balah.  Israeli troops transformed the roof of the 3-storey house, in which 8 people live, into a military site.  This house has been subject to many raids by Israeli troops since the beginning of the current Intifada. 

     At approximately 04:30, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military vehicles, moved into 'Allar village, north of Tulkarm.  They surrounded an under-construction house in the west of the village.  Then, they opened fire at the house.  A number of members of the Palestinian resistance, who were inside the house, exchanged fire with Israeli troops.  One of these members, Zaher 'Eissa Rebhi al-Ashqar, 26, from Saida village, was killed by several live bullets throughout the body.  According to eyewitnesses, Israeli troops did not allow ambulances to enter the area for 2 hours. 

     At approximately 06:30, Israeli troops positioned at the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, opened fire at Block J in Rafah refugee camp.  A Palestinian civilian, Rabi' 'Awad Rabi', 22, was injured by shrapnel in the eye when he was inside his house. 

     During the day, Israeli troops moved into Tubas village near Jenin; al-Duhaisha refugee camp, south of Bethlehem; 'Azzoun and al-Zawia villages near Qalqilya; and Beeta village, south of Nablus.  They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 11 Palestinians, including a girl, a child and 'Abdul Latif Ghaith, 63, director of ad-Dameer Association for Human Rights. 

     At approximately 12:00, Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the vicinity of "Gadid" settlement, west of Khan Yunis, opened fire at Palestinian houses in Baten al-Samin area to the east.  A Palestinian child, Mohammed Ahmed Zo'rob, 11, was injured by shrapnel in the head, when he was near his house, nearly 800 meters away from the aforementioned settlement. 

     At approximately 15:00, Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the vicinity of "Neve Dekalim" and "Gadid" settlements, west of Khan Yunis, shelled Palestinian houses in Khan Yunis refugee camp, al-Nimsawi neighborhood and Baten al-Samin area.  The shelling continued for several hours sporadically.  Nine Palestinian civilians, including 3 children, one woman and 2 old men, were injured when they were either inside or near their houses. 

     At approximately 18:45, Israeli troops positioned in a military post to the north of "Tal Qatif" settlement, southwest of Deir al-Balah, opened fire at a number of Palestinian civilians who were on the beach.  A child and a woman were wounded:


    1.     Ibtissam Khalil Timraz, 17, wounded by a live bullet in the right leg; and

    2.     Fatema 'Ali Abu 'Amra, 50, wounded by a live bullet in the left side. 

     At approximately 19:00, Israeli troops positioned at the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, opened fire at Block J in Rafah refugee camp.  A Palestinian civilian, Wa'el 'Abdul Qader al-Fere', 35, was injured by shrapnel in the limbs when he was near his house. 

     At approximately 20:00, Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the vicinity of "Netser Hazani" settlement, northwest of Khan Yunis, opened fire at Palestinian houses and farms to the east.  Five Palestinian civilians, including a woman and a child, were wounded. 

     At approximately 22:30, Israeli troops positioned in military posts to the west of Rafah opened fire at Palestinian houses in Tal al-Sultan neighborhood.  A Palestinian civilian, 'Adnan Yousef al-Najjar, 40, was injured by shrapnel in the left leg when he was near his house. 

    Friday, 30 July 2004

    At approximately 02:00, Israeli troops positioned in a military post known as "al-Nouria", west of Khan Yunis, opened fire at al-Amal neighborhood and Khan Yunis refugee camp.  Two Palestinian civilians were wounded:


    1.     Ziad Mohammed Abu Ghalioun, 20, wounded by a live bullet in the left leg; and

    2.     'Abdul Karim Ahmed al-Shanna, 22, wounded by a live bullet in the right side. 

    At approximately 04:00, Israeli troops moved into Tulkarm refugee camp.  They raided and searched a number of houses and opened fire at a number of others.  A Palestinian civilian, Rida Qawzah, 23, was wounded by a live bullet in the right thigh.  He and 7 other civilians were arrested by Israeli troops. 

    In the morning, Israeli troops positioned at the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, opened fire at Palestinian houses in Rafah refugee camp.  Two Palestinian girls were wounded:


    1.     Iman Salman Barhoum, 14, seriously wounded by a live bullet in the head when she was inside her house in Block J; and

    2.     Tahreer Yousef al-Taweel, 18, wounded by shrapnel in the back when she was inside her house in Block L.  

    At approximately 13:45, Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the vicinity of "Neve Dekalim" settlement, west of Khan Yunis, opened fire at Palestinian civilians who gathered on sand dunes near the settlement and threw stone at those troops.  Six civilians, including 3 children, were wounded.  One of them, Mohammed Mahmoud Khalfallah, 15, died one hour later from a wound he sustained in the head. The others who were wounded are:

    1.     Mahmoud Tharwat 'Abdul Qader, 13, seriously wounded by a live bullet in the face;

    2.     Eihab Fayez Abu 'Aker, 17, wounded by a live bullet in the chest;

    3.     Mohammed Khalil al-Aa'raj, 25, wounded by a live bullet in the left thigh;

    4.     Salim Subhi al-Lahham, 40, wounded by a live bullet in the left hand; and

    5.     Hamed Jamil al-Najjar, 18, wounded by shrapnel in the head. 

    At approximately 14:30, an infantry unit of Israeli occupying forces moved nearly 600 meters into Gaza Valley village in the central Gaza Strip.  Israeli troops raided and searched 2 houses belonging to al-Zawara'a family, and arrested 2 Palestinians:

    1.     Sami 'Olayan al-Zawara'a, 33, a farmer; and

    2.     Hassan Mousa al-Zawara'a, 45, a driver. 

    According to residents of the house, Israeli troops called on them through megaphones to get out of houses and handcuffed and interrogated the males.  Then they raided and searched the houses. 

    At approximately 19:00, 3 Israeli military jeeps moved into Nablus.  Israeli troops opened fire at Palestinian houses.  A number of Palestinian children gathered and threw stones at those troops.  Immediately, Israeli troops fired at the children, wounding one child and a passing civilian:


    1.     Mohammed 'Adli Bazian, 15, wounded by a rubber-coated metal bullet in the right leg; and

    2.     'Omar 'Adnan Saleh, 43, wounded by a live bullet in the left foot. 

    At approximately 20:00, 10 Israeli military vehicles moved into Bethlehem through the western entrance to Beit Jala.  They took position in al-Kurkuffa neighborhood in the center of the town.  Then, Israeli troops raided a wedding party in Sabri Naji Zawahra's house.  They pointed their guns at the guests and forced them out.  They searched and checked all the guests and beat a number of them.  The bride fainted.  Israeli troops arrested 2 civilians:

    1.     Fares Mohammed Nawawra, 26; and

    2.     Sufian 'Abdullah al-Akhras, 24. 

     At approximately 21:40, Israeli helicopter gunships fired 2 missiles at a factory making batteries, belonging to the al-Riashi family in al-Zaytoun neighborhood in the southeast of Gaza.  The factory, which is located under a 3-storey apartment building, was destroyed, and the building itself was damaged. 

    Saturday, 31 July 2004

    At approximately 04:00, Israeli troops moved into Beeta village, south of Nablus.  They raided and searched a house owned by 'Abdul Karim Saleh Mar'ei, 55.  Then, they arrested the owner and his two sons: 'Aatef, 27; and Jihad, 30. 

    At approximately 15:00, Israeli troops moved into Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus.  They opened fire at houses.  A number of Palestinian children gathered and threw stones at Israeli troops.  Immediately, Israeli troops fired at the children, wounding 15-year-old 'Aamer Zaki Saleh Khalil with a rubber-coated metal bullet in the lower jaw. 

    At approximately 16:00, Israeli troops positioned in military posts at the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, opened fire at residential areas in the town.  Two Palestinian civilians were wounded when they were in the central market of the town, nearly 1000 meters away from the border:


    1.     Khaled Hammad 'Eissa, 27, wounded by a live bullet in the left leg; and

    2.     'Abdul Mo'ti Salam Abu Suhaiban, 18, wounded by shrapnel in the chest. 

    Sunday, 1 August  2004

    At approximately 01:00, an infantry unit of Israeli occupying forces moved nearly 200 meters into Wadi al-Salqa village, southeast of Deir al-Balah.  Israeli troops raided and searched a house owned by Sa'id Suleiman Sulaisel.  Then, they arrested 3 of the owner's sons: Tayseer, 25; Isma'il, 30; and Mohammed, 23. 

    In the day hours, Israeli troops moved into Tulkarm; 'Aaida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem; and Yatta village, south of Hebron.  They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 5 Palestinians, including 2 brothers. 

    At approximately 11:45, Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the vicinity of "Neve Dekalim" settlement, west of Khan Yunis, opened fire at residential areas and civilian facilities in the town.  Live bullets hit Nasser Hospital.  A member of its staff, Ibrahim Jalal Wadi, 46, was wounded by a live bullet in the left shoulder, and the patients and staff were extremely terrified.  This was the 4th such incident in which casualties occured in Nasser Hospital in less than 10 days.  In addition, Mahmoud Daoud Shammout, 70, was wounded by a live bullet in the left leg when he was inside his house in al-Amal neighborhood.  

    At approximately 14:40, Israeli troops positioned at the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, opened fire at residential areas in the town.  Two Palestinian civilians, including a woman, were wounded:

    1.     Fadiya Salem Qeshta, 65, wounded by a live bullet in the head; and

    2.     Yahia Suleiman al-Bayouk, 21, wounded by a live bullet in the left shoulder. 

    At approximately 23:00, Israeli troops, reinforced by heavy military vehicles and helicopters, moved nearly 150 meters into Block I in Khan Yunis refugee camp.  Under the cover of intense shelling, they started to demolish a number of houses.  By Monday morning, 2 August 2004, they had demolished 8 houses completely and a ninth one partially, rendering 74 people (14 families) homeless.  As a result of the intense Israeli gunfire, a Palestinian woman, Ne'ma Ibrahim Abu Sahloul, 55, was killed by a live bullet in the chest, when she was inside her house.   

    Monday, 2 August 2004

    In the day hours, Israeli troops moved into Tulkarm refugee camp; Barta'a al-Sharqia village near Jenin; Rantis and Koubar villages near Bethlehem; and Housan village and Beit Sahour town near Bethlehem.  They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 13 Palestinians. 

    At approximately 10:00, Israeli troops moved nearly 50 meters into Gizan al-Najjar area in the south of Khan Yunis.  They were positioned near Ahmed Hassan al-Najjar's house.  They forced him to get out and handed to him military orders accompanied with maps signed by the Israeli military head of the southern command.  According to these orders and maps, 346 donums of land near "Morag" settlement to the south of the area would be seized.  These areas of land had been already razed and fenced by Israeli troops.  Israeli troops gave the owners, who are from the al-Najjar family, one week to appeal against these orders.  This measure apparently aims at annexing more Palestinian land to the aforementioned settlement. 

    At approximately 17:00, Israeli troops positioned at the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, opened fire at residential areas in the town.  As a result of the Israeli shooting, which continued sporadically until 21:00, 5 Palestinian civilians, including a child, were wounded:

    1.     Haneen Ghaleb 'Edwan, 12, wounded by a live bullet in the right forearm and shrapnel in the head;

    2.     Khaled Saleh al-'Aaidi, 20, wounded by shrapnel in the neck;

    3.     Ayman 'Omar Abu Humaid, 18, wounded by a live bullet in the right foot;

    4.     Eyad 'Abed Rabbu Matar, 34, wounded by a live bullet in the left hand; and

    5.     Mahmoud Kayed al-'Okor, 18, wounded by a live bullet in the left thigh. 

    At approximately 21:00, Israeli troops moved into 'Ein Beit al-Maa' refugee camp, west of Nablus.  They opened fire at Palestinian houses.  Three


    Palestinian civilians were injured:

    1.     Sultan 'Abdul Karim Saif, 50, injured by shrapnel in the head;

    2.     Nasser Mousa Ma'rouf, 30, injured by shrapnel in the right hand; and

    3.     Mohammed 'Abdul Latif Qatouni, 25, injured by shrapnel in the left foot. 

    Tuesday, 3 August 2004

    At approximately 01:30, Israeli troops, reinforced by helicopters and around 35 heavy military vehicles, moved nearly 300 meters in blocks L, N and O in Rafah refugee camp, adjacent to the Egyptian border.  They shelled the areas.  Israeli troops raided a number of houses and transformed their roofs into military sites.  Then, they started to destroy houses and civilian facilities under the pretext of searching for tunnels.  At approximately 07:00, Israeli helicopter gunships fired 2 missiles at the areas.  Six Palestinian civilians were injured by shrapnel from the missiles.  This Israeli incursion continued on the following day, Wednesday, 4 August 2004.  On Wednesday morning, Israeli troops continued to destroy houses and shell houses and streets, paying no attention to the lives of Palestinian civilians who raised white flags and left their houses to escape from the Israeli shelling.  According to residents of the area, at noon, Israeli troops destroyed a house using explosives, claiming that a tunnel was found under the house.  At approximately 14:00, a number of members of the Palestinian resistance clashed with Israeli troops.  One member of the resistance, Jihad Sami al-Bis, 20, was seriously wounded by a live bullet in the head.  His health condition deteriorated as medical crews were not able to reach him for half an hour.  He was evacuated to the hospital, but all medical efforts to save his life failed and he was pronounced dead at approximately 15:30.  Israeli troops withdrew from the area in the evening after destroying 22 houses, leaving 269 people (53 families) homeless, and 4 shops.  They had also damaged a mosque and the civilian infrastructure of the area. 

    At approximately 12:00, Israeli troops in a military jeep fired at Zuhair Mohammed al-Talbishi, 23, from Hebron, wounding him with a live bullet in the abdomen.  Then they arrested him.  According to eyewitnesses, Israeli troops fired at al-Tablishi when he was walking in al-Sheikh neighborhood in the center of Hebron.  Israeli troops claimed that he did not obey their order to stop. 

    In the day hours, Israeli troops moved into Bethlehem; al-Shawara, al-'Arouj and Beit 'Awa villages near Hebron; and al-Yamoun village near Jenin.  They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 9 Palestinians, including 3 brothers.    

    Wednesday, 4 August 2004

    At approximately 11:25, Israeli troops positioned in military posts in the west of Rafah opened fire at houses in Tal al-Sultan neighborhood.  A Palestinian child, Mahmoud Sami Abu al-'Einain, 4, was injured by shrapnel in the left foot when he was inside his house. 

    Approximately 2 hours later, Israeli troops positioned at the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, opened fire at residential areas in the town.  A Palestinian civilian, Ziad 'Adnan al-Najjar, 25, was wounded by a live bullet in the face, when he was driving his car in al-Shaboura refugee camp, nearly 1000 meters away from the border. 

    In the afternoon, an undercover unit of Israeli occupying forces killed a Palestinian civilian and injured 3 others in the center of Nablus.  Israeli military sources claimed that "Palestinians fired at an Israeli military unit in Nablus and that the unit did not return fire, and when riots erupted in the area, Israeli troops fired warning bullets in the air."  However, PCHR's initial investigations refute this claim and strongly indicate that the four civilians were hit by Israeli gunfire.   

    At approximately 14:00, an undercover unit of Israeli occupying forces was seen moving into al-'Anabtawi building in the center of Nablus.  Israeli troops opened fire at passing Palestinian civilians.  One civilian, 'Awad Mousa Farhan Hashash, 26, from Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus, was killed by a live bullet in the head.  He was walking nearly 80 meters away from the aforementioned building.  The victim was a sanitation worker of the Municipality of Nablus.  Nearly 10 minutes later, 8 Israeli military jeeps arrived at the area.  Israeli troops opened fire at the area to secure the withdrawal of the undercover unit.  Three Palestinian civilians, including a child, were wounded by the Israeli gunfire.  The child is in a serious condition.  At approximately 02:30, the undercover unit and nearly 20 soldiers were seen leaving the building, in which they had already infiltrated.

    During the day, Israeli troops moved into Nablus; al-Bireh; Hebron; and al-Zahiriya village, south of Hebron.  They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 14 Palestinians. 

    Collective Punishment against Families of Wanted Palestinians and Those Who Have Carried out Armed Attacks against Israeli Targets

    In violation of international humanitarian law, in particular the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 1949, article 33 of which prohibits punishing any protected person for “an offence he or she has not personally committed,” Israeli forces took retaliatory measures against the families of Palestinians Israel alleges have ordered, facilitated, or carried out attacks against Israeli targets.

    At approximately 02:00 on Thursday, 29 July 2004, Israeli troops moved into Beit Leqia village, southwest of Ramallah.  They surrounded a 130-square-meter, 2-storey house owned belonging to the family of Salah Subhi Daoud Mousa, 29, who has been detained by those troops.  They forced the 9 residents of the house out and planted explosives inside.  Then they destroyed the house. 

    Continued Siege on the OPT

    This week, Israeli occupying forces have continued to impose a tightened siege on the OPTs and imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including Jerusalem. 

    Gaza Strip

    Israeli occupying forces have continued to impose a tightened siege on the Gaza Strip for the 18th consecutive week.  They have continued to close most of the border crossings for the Gaza Strip.  Israeli troops have continued to close Rafah Terminal on the Egyptian border, the only outlet for the Gaza Strip to the outside world since 18 July 2004.  Israeli troops have also continued to impose a strict siege on al-Mawasi area in the southern Gaza Strip.  In the meantime, Israeli troops have continued to impose a tight siege on the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun for the 6th  consecutive week.  

    This week, Israeli troops imposed restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians at Abu Houli and al-Matahen checkpoints to the north of Khan Yunis.  On Tuesday, 3 August 2004, Israeli troops closed the two checkpoints for several hours, denying passage for hundreds of Palestinian civilians. 

    At approximately 09:30 on Wednesday, 4 August 2004, Israeli troops positioned in a military post at the "Kissufim" settler road to the east of al-Matahen checkpoint, north of Khan Yunis, opened fire at Palestinian houses and farms in al-Qarara village.  A Palestinian civilian, Talal Naji 'Abdul 'Aal, 22, was wounded by a live bullet that hit his mouth and settled in his left shoulder, while he was waiting at al-Matahen checkpoint to travel to Gaza City.  

    Israeli occupying forces have continued to impose a strict siege on al-Mawasi area in the southern Gaza Strip.  Although Israeli troops reopened al-Tuffah checkpoint at the entrance to al-Mawasi area, they imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians through the checkpoint.  They have continued to prevent female Palestinians whose ages are between 16 and 25, and male ones whose ages are between 16 and 30 from crossing the checkpoint without prior coordination. 

    Israeli forces have also continued to impose a tightened siege on al-Sayafa area in the northern Gaza Strip.  The have denied entry of domestic gas to the area.  They have also imposed severe restrictions of the movement of Palestinian farmers.  Israeli troops allow only 5 persons to get out of the area everyday to bring foodstuffs.  In the same context, Israeli occupying forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians living in al-Ma’ni area near “Kfar Darom” settlement in the central Gaza Strip. 

    Israeli troops have continued to close Erez crossing in the northern Gaza Strip in the face of Palestinian civilians.  Two weeks ago, Israeli troops partially reopened the crossing for a limited number of workers and a few humanitarian cases, but under strict conditions.    As Israeli troops have continued to impose a strict siege on the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun, Palestinian workers have to cross a distance of 4 kilometers on foot to reach Erez crossing.  Even though Israeli occupying forces partially reopened al-Mentar (Karni) commercial crossing to the east of Gaza City, and Sofa crossing, northeast of Rafah, they have imposed severe restrictions on the flow of goods through the two crossing. 

    Since 18 July 2004, Israeli troops have continued to close Rafah Terminal, which has been the only outlet for the Gaza Strip to the outside world since 14 February 2001, when Israeli occupying forces destroyed the runway of Gaza International Airport.  Palestinians from the Gaza Strip have been also prevented from traveling to Jordan and other countries through al-Karama Terminal (King Hussein Bridge) on the Jordanian border.

    According to information gathered by PCHR field workers, Israeli occupying authorities have continued to close Rafah Terminal since 18 July 2004, prohibiting thousands of Palestinians from travelingAs a result, many patients who are badly in need for special medical treatment abroad have not been able to travel, and humanitarian and medical aid provided by Arab countries to the Palestinian people has been blocked at the Egyptian side of the terminal.  According to the Palestinian civil liaison, nearly 300 Palestinian travelers have been blocked at the Egyptian side of the terminal, lacking basic services, which endangers their health.  In addition, around 2000 other travelers have been waiting on the Egyptian side outside the crossing waiting to be allowed to cross to the Gaza Strip, and many of them have been forced to travel to Egyptian cities waiting for the terminal to be reopened. 

    The West Bank

     Israeli occupying forces have continued to impose a strict siege on Palestinian communities.  They have also imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.  


    Israeli troops imposed more restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians, while they have continued to construct new sections of the annexation wall to the north of East Jerusalem.  According to eyewitnesses, Israeli troops positioned at Dahiat al-Barid checkpoint at the northern entrance to the city have continued to imposed restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians, including prolonged checking, while Israeli settlers move through the checkpoint freely without any kind of restrictions.


    This week, Israeli troops imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.  They erected more checkpoints around the town and obstructed the movement of Palestinian vehicles for long hours.  Israeli troops positioned at various checkpoints between Ramallah and neighboring villages stopped and searched Palestinian vehicles.  These Israeli measures forced Palestinian civilians to resort to muddy roads to reach Ramallah and al-Bireh. 


     Israeli occupying forces imposed more restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.  They erected more checkpoints around the city.  Israeli troops positioned at various checkpoints around the city have continued to impose sever restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians, forcing them to wait for long hours before allowing them to cross these checkpoints.  They have also continued to restrict the movement of Palestinian civilians, who are between 16 and 30 years old, by forcing them to wait for long hours and sometimes to travel back home.  


     Israeli troops imposed more restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.  On Thursday morning, 29 July 2004, they erected 2 new checkpoint at the entrances to the villages of Qiffin and Baqa al-Sharqia, north of Tulkarm.  On Saturday, 31 July 2004, Israeli troops erected 2 other checkpoints at the entrances to the villages of 'Anabta and Far'oun, south of the town.  In the meantime, Israeli troops positioned at al-Kafriya checkpoint, south of Tulkarm, have continued to imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.

    The Jordan Valley

     This week, Israeli troops imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.  Israeli troops positioned at military checkpoints in the area held and searched Palestinian vehicles and obstructed their movement for long hours.  Israeli troops also erected more checkpoints in the area to restrict the movement of Palestinian civilians.  On Sunday, 1 August 2004, Israeli troops closed the northern Jordan Valley, through closing the iron gate near Tayaseer village.  They denied the access of Palestinian civilians to the area. 


    On Monday morning, 2 August 2004, Israeli troops erected a checkpoint at the eastern entrance of the town.  They stopped and searched Palestinian vehicles.  The eastern entrance has been the sole one to the town as it has become surrounded by the annexation wall. 

    On 31 July 2004, Israeli troops positioned at al-Karama crossing on the Jordanian border arrested Rami Shari'a, 24, from al-Duhaisha refugee camp south of Bethlehem, while he and his family were traveling to Jordan.  They also forced the family to travel back to the West Bank. 

    On Sunday, 1 August 2004, Israeli troops positioned at al-Karam crossing prevented Do'a Hussein al-Saifi, 21, from Kufor Thuluth village east of Qalqilya, from traveling to Jordan.  She is a student at a Jordanian university. 

    On Monday evening, 2 August 2004, Israeli troops positioned at Container checkpoint, northeast of Bethlehem, arrested Nemer 'Eissa Zaboun, 26, from Bethlehem, when he was traveling back to Bethlehem from Jericho. 

    On Tuesday afternoon, 3 August 2004, Israeli troops positioned at Beit Eiba checkpoint, west of Nablus, arrested Sharifa 'Omar, 25, from Qalqilya. 

    Continued Construction of the Annexation Wall

    Israeli occupying forces have continued to construct the annexation wall inside the West Bank territory, especially in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hebron and the northern Jordan Valley. 

    Israeli troops have continued to destroy Palestinian civilian properties in Wadi 'Ayad area between Dahiat al-Barid area and al-Ram village, northeast of Jerusalem, in order to construct new sections of the wall in the area.  According to eyewitnesses, the nature of the area has completely changed, and Israeli troops are now able to annex space areas to "Neve Ya'cob" settlement, north of East Jerusalem.  On Monday, 2 August 2004, Israeli troops raided tent compounds of Bedouins to the northwest of Jerusalem.  They handed military orders to Bedouin families living in the area ordering them to leave the area in 10 days or those troops would forcibly expel them. 

    On Sunday morning, 1 August 2004, Israeli troops started to destroy Palestinian civilian properties in al-Walaja village, northwest of Beit Jala, for the purpose of the construction of the wall around Bethlehem.  According to the local council of the village, Israeli military bulldozers started to destroy civilian properties at the southern entrance of the village, as part of a plan according to which the destruction would extend to 10 kilometers towards Be'r 'Ouna in Beit Jala.  The wall will surround the aforementioned village and divide it into 2 separate parts, and Israeli troops will be able to control the movement of villagers through the southern entrance, which will the only entrance for the village when Israeli troops close all roads leading to it. 

    On Monday morning, Israeli military bulldozers started to raze large areas of Palestinian agricultural land in Beit Jala.  According to local sources, Israeli bulldozers razed at least 80 donums of agricultural land belonging to the families of al-Hithwa, 'Awad, al-Mukarkar, Khamis, Ghunaim, Sarasra and Qeesiya.  They also uprooted at least 600 olive trees.  Land leveling in the area aims at constructing section of the wall in the area, to be linked with other sections that will constructed in al-Walaj village towards a bypass road near al-Khader village, southwest of Bethlehem.  The construction of the wall in the area is expected to isolate hundreds of donums of agricultural land. 

    In the Jordan Valley in the east of the West Bank, Israeli troops have continued to construct sections of the wall.  According sources of the local council of Bardala village in the northern Jordan Valley, the construction of the wall in the area is in its final stages.  Israeli troops have recently intensified work in the area.  The construction of the wall in the area has isolated thousands of donums of agricultural land belonging to Palestinians from Bardala village. 

    In Hebron, Israeli troops informed dozens of Palestinian civilians that large areas of their land near the 1967 border would be seized for the purpose of the construction of the wall.  According to sources of the public committee for the defense of land, Israeli troops would seize 558.5 donums in the villages of Sourif, Nouba, Kharas, Beit Oula and Tarqoumia.  They would also seize 4331 donums in the villages of Beit al-Roush, al-Majd, al-Burj and Deir al-'Asal. 

    At approximately 05:00 on Wednesday, 4 August 2004, Israeli troops, accompanied by bulldozers, moved into 'Azzoun 'Atma village, south of Qalqilya.  They imposed a curfew on the village and started to demolish a number of civilian facilities.  By 14:00, they had demolished a number of house, agricultural stores, water tanks and bird farms.  The village has been isolated between the wall and the 1967 border. 

    According to a survey conducted by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 19 Palestinian communities have been placed to the west of the wall, including 14 in the northern West Bank (7 in Jenin; 6 in Qalqilya; and one in Tulkarm), 4 communities in Jerusalem and one in Bethlehem.  In addition, 78 communities have been placed to the east of the wall: 18 in Jenin; 18 in Tulkarm; 14 in Qalqilya; 11 in Ramallah; 7 in Jerusalem; 5 in Salfit; and 5 in Bethlehem.  One community, Qalqilya, has been surrounded by the wall from all directions.  The number of communities that have been divided by the wall into 3 separate parts is 3: 2 in Jerusalem; and one in Jenin.  From the beginning of the construction of the wall until the end of February 2004, Israeli troops have seized 270558 donums, mostly in the northern West Bank (87.7%).  The largest portion of the seized land was in Tulkarm (70460 donums).  In the central West Bank, Israeli troops had seized 19940 donums, mostly in Jerusalem (13000 donums).  According to the same survey, 11461 (2163) families had been forced to leave their communities due to the construction of the wall.  Israeli troops had also destroyed 35 buildings completely and 50 others partially, and 551 civilian facilities completely and 22 other partially.  They have closed 960 civilian facilities.  In addition, Israeli troops had seized 49 wells: 29 wells to the east of the wall, 19 in the communities that had been surrounded by the wall and one to the west of the wall (31 in Qalqilya; 15 in Jenin; 2 in Tulkram; and one in Jerusalem. 


     Recommendations to the International Community 

    1.     PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their legal and moral obligations under article 1 of the Convention to ensure Israel's respect for the Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.  PCHR calls on the international community to immediately “ensure respect” for the Convention.

    2.     PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to convene a conference to take effective steps to ensure Israel's respect of the Convention in the OPTs and to provide immediate protection for Palestinian civilians.

    3.     PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to comply with its legal obligations detailed in article 146 of the Convention to search for and prosecute those responsible for grave breaches, namely war crimes.

    4.     PCHR recommends international civil society organizations, including human rights organizations, bar associations and NGOs to participate in the process of searching for Israeli war criminals and to urge their governments to bring these war criminals to justice.

    5.     PCHR calls upon the European Union to activate article 2 of the Euro-Israel Association Agreement, which provides that Israel must respect human rights as a precondition for economic cooperation between the EU states and Israel.  PCHR further calls upon the EU states to prohibit import of goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the OPTs. PCHR also requests the application of the EU Guidelines on Arms Sales and requests that EU Missions and Embassies in Israel and the oPts press the Israeli government to apply and implement in full the recently agreed EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders.

    6.     PCHR calls upon European governments to change their positions towards the Palestinian cause at UN bodies, particularly the General Assembly, Security Council and Commission on Human Rights. 

    7.     PCHR requests that the international community follow the advisory opinion of the ICJ when it called on the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Convention, through the UNGA and UNSC, to take effective measures to stop the construction of the annexation wall in the West Bank.

    8.     In recognition of ICRC as the guardian of the Fourth Geneva Convention, PCHR calls upon the ICRC to increase its staff and activities in the OPTs, including for facilitating family visitations to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

    9.     PCHR appreciates the efforts of international civil society, including human rights organizations, bar associations, unions and NGOs, and urges them to continue their role in pressuring their governments to secure Israel's respect for human rights in the OPTs and to end its attacks on Palestinian civilians.

    10. In light of the severe restrictions imposed by the Israeli government and its occupying forces on access of international solidarity groups to the OPTs, PCHR calls upon European countries to deal the same way with Israeli citizens. 

    11. PCHR reiterates that any political settlement not based on international human rights law and humanitarian law cannot lead to a peaceful and just solution of the Palestinian question. Rather, such an arrangement can only lead to further suffering and instability in the region. Any peace agreement or process must be based on respect for international law, including international human rights and humanitarian law.




    Public Document


    For more information please call PCHR office in Gaza, Gaza Strip, on +972 8 2824776 - 2825893

    PCHR, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip. E-mail:, Webpage