The Attack Against a Palestinian Human Rights Advocate
December 12, 1999

The director of Birzeit University's Human Rights Action Project was attacked on December 11th outside her residence in the West Bank town of Ramallah. Although the identity of her assailants remains unknown, the context and nature of the assault presents causes for serious concern.

A press release issued by Birzeit University stated the following:

"The attack came at approximately 2:30 AM on December 11 when a stone was hurled through Hanan Elmasu's Ramallah residence. When she went outside to check, she was hit in the head by another stone; she passed out from the blow for several hours. The first stone was wrapped in a piece of paper containing portions of a statement initiated by Palestinian intellectuals abroad expressing their concern at violations of freedom of expression in Palestine. A warning directed at Hanan was written in poor English."

In light of Ms. Elmasu's incident, and the recent attack against Mu'awiya Al-Masri in Nablus, MIFTAH sees this as sufficient cause for serious concern that a strategy of deliberate intimidation is being generated in Palestinian society.

The PNA's arrest of some of the signatories of the November 27th declaration, and some irresponsible statements by certain officials, are questioning the national credibility of the signatories, and are inducing an element of incitement to a climate of instability and intimidation.

Such incidents must be nipped in the bud in a decisive and unequivocal manner. The PNA must ensure the rule of law and protect the liberal rights of individuals. It is, thus, imperative that all political prisoners be released, that all irresponsible accusations and provocative public discourse cease immediately, and that serious steps be taken to rectify the grave violations of human rights and the rule of law.

It is also the responsibility of civil society and the press to take a public stance and clear measures in support of the rights and liberties of the Palestinian people and against any attempts of intimidation, violence, and illegal punitive measures.