Kufr Qassem Massacre 45 years
October 29, 2001

Today marks the 45th anniversary of the Kufr Qassem massacre, in which 50 Palestinians were systematically killed in cold blood at the hands of the Israeli army. The massacre took place just hours before the Sinai campaign carried out by the French and British on Egypt on October 29th 1956. The village is located only six miles from the Israel-Jordan border of 1967 in what is now known as the Palestinian triangle.

In 1991 Rupik Rozenthal reviled part of the truth that had been muffled by the Israeli government and army. "The massacre was part of an overall plan by the Israeli army to deport as many Palestinians as possible out of the country," Rozenthal said. Rupik was allowed to go through the army archives and read the minutes of the trial of eleven soldiers. He found out that the plan was to try and move the Palestinians from their villages in the triangle into Jordan. This was to happen if Jordan intervened in support of Egypt. Since Jordan never did get involved, only the first part of the plan was carried out.

Eleven Israeli soldiers did stand trial for the cold-blooded crimes they had committed. All were sentenced to serve between 7 and 17 years, but all were released before the end of the third year of their sentence. The Colonel in command was charged one piaster (old currency) for changing the time of the curfew. The major in command was quickly promoted after his release.

Israel continues to adopt a policy of double standard in sentencing and punishing Israelis who commit atrocities against Palestinians. While Palestinians suffer harsh measures, including torture, in Israeli prisons, Israelis often escape having to abide to, or held accountable before, the rule of law.

Just four days ago, Israeli forces blocked off the village of Beit Rima in the West Bank and systematically 15 Palestinians in less than twelve hours. Ironically this act of terror against civilians was carried out amidst global efforts to fight terrorism and achieve human harmony and peace. .

Kufr Qassem is just one of many Israeli massacres and killings practiced daily by the state Israel. The Palestinians need international protection particularly at these difficult times. The Palestinian people have been the victims of such atrocities for over half a century and are in urgent need of international protection during this difficult period.
