Weekly Press Release for the period 18-24 September 2004
September 27, 2004

During this reporting period, the Israeli Army has continued to violate International Humanitarian Law and Fundamental Human Rights, by restricting freedom of movement to Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) ambulances and its medical teams. Delays, denial of access and arbitrary searches had a negative impact on the sick and wounded in Jenin, Nablus, Qalqilia & Gaza.

Gaza, 23/9/2004 (3:20 AM): During an Israeli Army invasion into Al-Mawasi area, Khan Younis, a PRCS ambulance was subjected to direct Israeli army gunfire while on route to evacuate injured persons reported in the area. One of the bullets penetrated the gas tank causing extensive damage. The crew was obliged to return back to base. Fortunately, the crew did not sustain injuries.

Gaza 23/09/2004 (2:00 AM): A PRCS ambulance was subjected to direct Israeli Army gunfire while parked in front of the PRCS EMS station during an Israeli Army invasion into Tel Zu’rub area. The rear windshield was shattered. Fortunately, the crew did not sustain injuries.

In addition to the above, the following table lists incidents of delay and denial of access during this reporting period.

PRCS Branch



Delay of access (unless indicated 'denied access')



Al Jalameh

60 minutes


Jenin Refugee Camp

30 minutes


Beit Eba

90 minutes



Huwwara Checkpoint

60 minutes



Beit Eba

75 minutes



Nahil Oz Crossing

135 minutes


Al Mawasi Checkpoint

350 minutes


Al Mawasi Checkpoint

110 minutes

During this reporting period, a total of 12 deaths and 175 injuries were reported in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

These practices constitute a breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and the First Additional Protocol of the Geneva conventions, which are legally applied to the occupied Palestinian territories. In particular, they violate articles 20 of the Fourth Geneva Convention which guarantees the protection and respect of persons who engage in the search for, removal and transport of and caring for wounded and sick civilians, and article 63 which stresses that ” Subject to temporary and exceptional measures imposed for urgent reasons of security by the Occupied Power, recognized National red cross and red crescent societies shall be able to pursue their activities in accordance with Red Cross principles, as defined by the international Red Cross Conferences…”. In addition to articles 12 and 15 of the First Additional Protocol of the Geneva conventions which guarantees that “ Medical units shall be respected and protected at all times and shall not be the object of attack and shall have access to any place where their services are essential” and article 16 which stresses that, “Under no circumstances shall any person be punished for carrying out medical activities compatible with medical ethics, regardless of the person benefiting there from.”, in addition to article 21, which stresses that,” Medical vehicles shall be respected and protected in the same way as mobile medical units under the Conventions and this Protocol.”
