Four Years of Defiance
September 28, 2004

The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy, (MIFTAH) urges the international community and in specific the Mid-East Peace Quartet to take urgent action to halt Israel’s daily war crimes committed against the Palestinian people. MIFTAH would also like to commemorate four years of Palestinian steadfastness, sheer will, perseverance, and above all, defiance.

This civil uprising, much like its predecessor, is the natural response of an entire nation, which has been haunted by a belligerent occupation for 37 Years. The Al-Aqsa Intifada broke out four years ago with seemingly no end in sight to Palestinian suffering. This uprising embodies the collective Palestinian fury with the occupation, and the will to resist injustice, discrimination and oppression.

On the 28th of September 2000, Likud opposition leader Ariel Sharon, made a very controversial and provocative visit to the Haram Al-Shareef in Jerusalem. This event, accompanied by 10-odd years of failed negotiations based on the Oslo accords, was enough to unleash the collective Palestinian anger against the Israeli occupation. This heroic show of defiance has, however, come at a high price:

  • 3,659 Palestinians killed, of whom 795 are children under the age of 18 and 245 women (Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education)
  • 27,638 Injured (Palestine Red Crescent Society)
  • 7,336 Palestinian political prisoners (B’tselem)
  • 224,415 Dunums of Palestinian Land confiscated (Palestine Monitor)
  • 7,437 Homes demolished (Palestine Monitor)

As the Intifada enters its fifth year, it is imperative that the international community realise that the Palestinian people have the right to resist occupation and foreign domination, using both violent and non violent means, as stipulated in the 4th Geneva Conventions, Hague Regulations, the United Nations Charter as well as numerous General Assembly and Security Council resolutions. Moreover it is vital that the U.S. Administration accepts that regional stability can only be achieved by tackling the very root of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict; namely putting an end to prolonged human suffering.

MIFTAH calls on the International community to re-engage itself in the virtually non-existent peace process and inject much needed momentum into the internationally backed ‘roadmap’. Furthermore, MIFTAH would like to see international law and legitimacy implemented. Security Council resolutions 242, 338 and 1397 as well as General Assembly resolutions 181 and 194, and the recent International Court of Justice advisory opinion, explicitly call on Israel to withdraw from the Occupied Territories, dismantle the illegal ‘Apartheid Wall’ and allow the right of return for Palestinian refugees, eventually paving the way for an independent Palestinian State.

MIFTAH’s views can be summed up no better, than a statement given by its Secretary General, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi on Capitol Hill where she called for, “No more transitions, no more excuses to delay negotiations… let’s go directly to final status negotiations, so that the occupation can end and peace can be brought to the Middle East.”