GAZA ON THE EDGE: A Report on the Deteriorating Humanitarian Situation in the Gaza Strip
October 07, 2004

New Page 3

Since the beginning of 2004, the humanitarian situation in the Gaza strip has sharply deteriorated. Intensified movement restrictions on the Palestinian civilian population and the escalation in the conflict are the primary cause. Economic options for Palestinians are disappearing and coping mechanisms for the community are nearly exhausted. Israel has been facing serious security concerns particularly from militant attacks and Qassam rockets. Yet Israel also has obligations to ensure the humanitarian needs of Palestinian civilians are met.

All movement through Gaza’s borders is controlled. An Israeli security fence surrounded all of Gaza and sea access to the west is prohibited. Palestinian movement in and out if Gaza is limited to tow crossing points controlled by the Israeli security forces: Eretz Terminal, for laborers with permits to work in Israel, and Rafah terminal in the south into Egypt. Commercial goods enter and exit mainly through the Karni Terminal but new security measures have restricted access.

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