Unprecedented Level of Aggression in the OPTs
October 08, 2004

The International Community Fails to Stop Such Violence and the Civilian Population of the Gaza Strip Pay the Price 

Israeli occupying troops have escalated their attacks on Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPTs), especially in the Gaza Strip.  This week, 76 Palestinians, including 64 from the northern Gaza Strip, were killed by Israeli troops.  These attacks recall the Israeli comprehensive offensive on the West Bank in the 2002 spring, in which hundreds of Palestinians were killed or injured. Human rights violations perpetrated by Israeli troops included willful and extra-judicial executions, incursions into Palestinian areas, indiscriminate shelling, land leveling and total closure imposed on Palestinian communities.

For the 2nd consecutive week, Israeli troops have launched a wide scale offensive on the northern Gaza Strip.  During the period covered by this report, 64 Palestinians were killed by Israeli troops.  Thus, the number of Palestinians killed since the beginning of this latest offensive until Thursday morning, 7 October 2004 has mounted to 74, including 37 civilians, 23 of whom were children. Two of the victims were brothers and a third victim was deaf. In addition, at least 300 others, mostly civilians, including at least 100 children, have been injured, and a number of them have been rendered permanently disabled. Israeli troops have also continued to destroy houses, agricultural land, civilian facilities and historical sites.  At least 50 houses have been destroyed and 140 others have been damaged. In addition 4 UNRWA schools, a kindergarten, a mosque, a historical site and a number of civilian facilities were destroyed. Large areas in the northern Gaza Strip have been isolated, while Israeli troops have seized a number of buildings, transforming their roofs into military sites. In the meantime, electricity and water supplies have been cut from these areas. These areas also suffer from a shortage of foodstuffs, especially milk. Israeli troops have prevented humanitarian agencies into Jabalya refugee camp and neighboring areas, excluding the ICRC, whose role has been very limited. 

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