MRN Condemns Israeli Offensive in Gaza
October 11, 2004

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The MEDIA REVIEW NETWORK condemns the horrendous onslaught launched by the Israeli occupation army on the Palestinian refugees in the Jabaliya camp in Gaza . More than 2000 Israeli troops and 200 tanks wreaked carnage in the heavily populated camp of 120,000 defenseless people squeezed in an area of 2 square kilometers.

Over a 100 Palestinians have been slaughtered in the past few days, more than one-third of them children. This deadly Israeli outrage has demolished scores of homes and schools and trapped thousands in their homes without access to food and water.

Calls by the International community, as well as by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, to halt the brutal assault have been, as usual, ignored. The UN Security Council resolution demanding that Israel cease its aggression towards the Palestinians was shamefully vetoed by the United States of America .

This unconditional US support for Israeli crimes against humanity and its persistent violation of international law can only further embolden Israel to defy the international community. The veto was the 80th by the United States in 59 years, including 29 related to the Arab-Israeli conflict. The last was on March 25 against Israel's assassination of Hamas spiritual leader 67-year-old wheelchair-bound Ahmed Yassin .

There can now be no doubt that Ariel Sharon has conned the world by pretending to seek accommodation with the Palestinians. Dov Weisglass, Sharon's former Chief of Staff and currently top advisor to Sharon , recently commented on Israeli actions saying, "Effectively this whole package called the Palestinian state, with all that it entails, has been removed from our agenda.”

The MEDIA REVIEW NETWORK urges the International community to take the only logical and moral step- international sanctions. The South African government, in particular, must lead the world to impose an economic, political, academic and diplomatic boycott of this intransigent, racist and brutal Zionist regime.

Issued by Firoz Osman, Secretary of the Media Review Network. Tel: 082 337 6976
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